The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th September 2023 with topics including:
- The CCC proposal for a management company to look after the Armoury Road maintenance,
- Progress on dealing with ‘advisories’ from the recent ROSPA playground inspection,
- Discussion on attendance at a Heath Conservation course,
- Future provisions for ponds maintenance,
- Progress of the Mayor’s Oaks on Poor’s Land,
- Discussion on ‘No Parking’ banners, possible application for planning approval and portable signs.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 14th September 2023 at 5.00pm in SC Mtg Rm
Members present: | Cllrs John Gili-Ross (JGR), Katie Pulford (KP), James Owers (JO), Harry Stone (HS), Manya Barrow (MB) & David Short (DS) |
Also present: | City Councillor Dennis Willetts and a member of the public, representing the residents of Armoury Road |
1. Welcome & Apologies
No apologies.
2. Declarations of Interests
3. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
No further comment.
4. Public participation
No other questions from the public, except for those relating to item 9.
5. Handymen’s report:
- Matt, Handyman, is reported to be recovering from his injuries.
- Routine mowing and other tasks have been carried out.
- Some of the advisories which were itemised during the recent ROSPA inspection of the Lorkin Daniell playground have been carried out and a program of rolling maintenance has been agreed to include addressing the remaining advisories.
- Nigel, Handyman, has expressed a wish to attend a course on Heath Conservation and this is being put in hand. Cllr. Harry Stone recently carried out an appraisal of all the handymen, the results of which were generally very satisfactory.
6. Village ponds
It was proposed that additional provision be made, in the next budget line for the conservation of all three ponds, to include some trimming of the “Queens Head” willow tree. All to be agreed by the full Council in due course.
7. Update on tree work
The “Mayor’s Oaks” are thriving, but a supply of seaweed fertilizer is to be obtained for them following the advice of TLC.
ACTION – Cllr Short to arrange.
8. Discussion on potentially renewing the PC’s “No Parking” banners
It was proposed that these be left in situ on a permanent basis.
ACTION – Clerk to please establish the cost of making a planning application in respect of this proposal.
It was also proposed that we establish the cost of obtaining portable signs similar to those utilised by Heathlands.
9. To discuss the CCC proposal for an Armoury Road Management Company
The committee was asked to explore whether the Parish Council should become involved in establishing a management company to address the interests of the residents of Armoury Road with particular reference to maintenance of the road surface. The Environment Committee is not minded to recommend involvement in this proposal.
The representative of Armoury Road residents expressed concerns regarding contactors access to the proposed new NEEB development site off Armoury Rd. It was suggested that the PC writes to Colchester City Council recommending that the City Council reminds the developer that they are required, under statute, to make good any damages caused by them, to the road and surrounding infrastructure and ask for a bond to be lodged with the Council. It was further suggested that before and after photos be taken of the road and infrastructure, such photos should be timed and dated.
ACTION – recommendation to be added to PC agenda for 27th September meeting.
10. Proposed changes to the Environment/Highways
Following an expression of interest by a resident it was advised that vegetation encroaching on the various footpaths could not be cut back until September for conservation reasons in line with current legislation. Cllr. Lewis Barber to be approached with regard to carrying out maintenance and replacement of missing or damaged signage, this being the responsibility of Essex Highways.
11. Future Environment/Highways plans
No future plans at this time.
12. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 12th October, at 5pm in the SC Meeting Room.