St Mary’s News – What are you thankful for?

In this edition Revd Heather asks “What are you thankful for?”

Orphan train is used as a reference point when Rev. Heather asks What are you thankful for.

After discussing ‘what are you thankful for’ this edition continues with:

A copy of the PCC (Parochial Church Council) minutes are available to view in the Church (in the leaflet rack on top of the side cupboards).

Rev. Heather’s  asks “What are you thankful for?”

What are you thankful for? As I ask this question I am reminded of the film ‘The Orphan train’, which depicts the journey, Emma Simms, niece of Reverend Simms, made taking orphan children to find new homes in the West of America. The journey is accompanied by many traumas, including a fire in their train carriage, arriving in the town of Clayhorn, only to be driven away by the townsfolk and a massive storm causing a bridge collapse, with the last few orphans, having to walk the final 15 miles to the town of Mildred.

Throughout the journey when things seem at their worst, Emma would lead them in singing the song,

Count your blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings, see what God has done, count your blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done.

Ask someone what troubles them

Ask someone what troubles them, and perhaps they might be able to list many things; after all turn on the news and there is plenty that causes us anxiety and stress, particularly when we see the devastating aftermath of earthquakes, flooding, wildfires or war.

But turn that question on its head and ask people what they are thankful for and at first they might struggle, but actually, when we start to think about it, there are many things that we have to be thankful for.

Harvest Celebration

October, is the month when across our churches, we are celebrating the Harvest, and we are reminded of all that we are thankful for. We are thankful to live in a country, where the harvest has been safely gathered in, we are thankful that for the most part we are full and satisfied, that we have a roof over our heads, access to medical aid, an education and career opportunities, we are thankful to be surrounded by beautiful countryside and to live in peace.

We are mindful that as we give thanks for all that we have, there are many who are not as fortunate as ourselves, and our thanksgiving leads to action as we seek ways of supporting them in their struggles, either through financial support, prayer, or calling our leaders to account. 

Psalm 136

And if you are ever struggling to think what you are thankful for, perhaps you might want to turn to Psalm 136 – which begins

‘Give thanks to the Lord for he is good’

… before listing many things we should be thankful for, with the constant refrain throughout the Psalm

‘His love endures forever.’

We are thankful, because Gods love endures forever, no matter what we might be facing … Gods love endures. And that is a great reason to be thankful.

 May God bless you, Heather

Church Open on Halloween

We are hoping to open the church on Halloween evening between approximately 6.00pm and 7.30pm to serve hot chocolate and snacks and provide a safe space for trick or treaters to come and chill out in.

Storytime Session

Come and try out our next Storytime session at 6pm on Saturday 21st October (& every 3rd Saturday), in St. Mary’s church hall. It’s a space for parents and younger children to come and unwind at the end of the day, listen to stories from the bible, sing songs, and enjoy a hot chocolate before going home to bed. Please spread the word and encourage young families to come along.

FISH is Back

Food in Summer Holidays

All families welcome to our next Food in School Holidays (FISH) club on Mon 23 Oct 11.30am-2pm. Games, craft activities and a hot meal are provided free of charge! Open to all families but children must be accompanied by an adult please.

To book your place, please phone or email the church office on [email protected] or 01206 243683.      

Harvest Activities

Harvest festival

Saturday 7th October is our Harvest Café & Fun Morning between 10am – 12noon. Bacon Butties & homemade cakes will be served in the church hall. Craft Activities and flower displays in the church.

Sunday 8th October at 9:30am will be Harvest Messy Church. This is an all-age service to celebrate Harvest. Donations of non-perishable foodstuffs welcomed, to support local charities.

All are Welcome!

Services & Other Dates

1 October9:30 amHoly Communion
7 October10:00 amHarvest Café & Fun Morning
8 October9:30 amMessy Harvest Celebration
15Octoner9:30 amHoly Communion
 22 October9:30 amCafé Church
29 October10:30 amJoint 6 Parishes Communion Service at St John the Baptist Church, Mount Bures CO8 5AS
31 October6:00 pmChurch Open on Halloween

Our Team at St Mary’s

  • Priest in Charge: Revd. Heather Wilcox
    email: [email protected]
    tel: 01206 240906 or 07503 151715
  • Assistant Priest: Revd Anne Mason
    email: [email protected].
    tel: 07895 970834 (Sunday & Tuesday – Thursday).
  • Curate: Revd Emma Barr
    email: [email protected]
    tel: 07801 659345
  • Church Wardens:
    Peter & Caroline Finlay, — [email protected] or 07926 387551 and
    Kate & Stephen Penrose, — 07973 421306
  • Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs):
    Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
    Michael Foster—01206 241022;
    Joy Budden—01206 241871;
    Liz Dixon—07914 001212.
  • Parish Evangelist
    Ron Seymour—01206 272579.
  • Church Administrators:
    Donna Luxton & Jo Rassell — 01206 243683,
    email: [email protected].
    Church Office Hours — Monday – Friday 10 am – midday.
  • Hall Bookings:
    Nicole Long—01206 240443.
  • Newsletter Editor:
    Liz Dixon
    email: [email protected].
  • Website:
  • Follow us on Facebook:
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