About the West Bergholt Planning & Development Committee

West Bergholt Parish Council is a statutory consultee to Colchester City Council (CCC- the Local Planning Authority) for all domestic and business planning applications that relate to the parish area. It is also a consultee to Essex County Council (ECC) on planning applications relating to:
- waste,
- minerals,
- schools, and
- certain highway matters.
As a consultee, the final decision rests with either CCC or ECC and not with the Parish Council.
The Planning & Development Committee considers and responds on behalf of the Parish Council in respect of such applications. They meet on the 3rd Monday of each month; any variation from this will be noted on the Agenda.
In this section of the website you can view the latest committee agenda, planning decisions and past minutes. You can read the committee’s terms of reference here. You can find past minutes here.
How decisions are taken

- For applications on the published agenda the Committee is authorised by the Parish Council to take decisions. The decision area covers the Parish Council’s response to the application as a statutory consultee to Colchester City Council (the Planning Authority).
- If there is a Planning Application (or correspondence received) which post-dates the publishing of the agenda, and which cannot await the next meeting of the Committee, then such matters will be discussed at the meeting, but the Committee will not take a decision. Instead, it will make a recommendation to the next advertised appropriate meeting; this is likely to be the next full Parish Council meeting. If this is the case, the matter concerned will appear on the Parish Council published agenda.
Public Attendance
Planning & Development meetings are open to the public as with full council. If interested in attending please read the notes about public attendance here.
Planning Map
Colchester City Council has a searchable database of historic and current planning applications that you can view on a map.

You can view it live here.