Allotment Rules


Allotment Allocations and Rules

West Bergholt Allotment Rules 2023/2024

The following rules have been issued by the New Allotments Trust (Charity No. 219751) with effect from1st October 2023.

  1. Chapel Road allotments are available for the purposes of cultivation only.
  2. Allotment tenancies to be held from the 1st Oct to 30th Sept annually. Rent invoices will be distributed early in September. Payments can be made by BACS directly into the village account using the details on your invoice and adding your plot no(s) as the bank reference.

    Alternatively, you can pay by cheque or cash with payment slips which should be returned to Clerk of the Parish Council:
    Mrs Laura Walkingshaw, 80 Chapel Road, West Bergholt, Colchester, CO6 3HL
    (Cheques made payable to West Bergholt Parish Council with name and plot no(s) on the back)
  3. The Trust will, at its meeting in October, take proceedings to recover unpaid rents or to reallocate unpaid plots.
  4. No allotment holder may sub-let his or her holding or any part thereof without the written consent of the Clerk to the Parish Council, but those tenants who find difficulty in managing a plot yet wish to continue a tenancy are encouraged to find a friend with whom to share.
    Gettin ready for Spring
  5. Allotment holders wishing to give up a plot can give notice to the Clerk to the Parish Council at any time and not later than 30th September, failing which they will be responsible for the succeeding year’s rent.
  6. Any vacant plot will be allocated according to the waiting list held by the WB Allotment Association Committee.
  7. If, in the opinion of the Trust, any plot which is less than 75 pct. cultivated plot holder will be given 28 days’ notice to rectify, following this period plot will be then inspected. If does not meet the standards required, a further 14 days’ notice will be given. Failure to comply fully will result after this period with a notice of termination.
  8. Any plot holder terminating a tenancy or having a tenancy withdrawn will be allowed a 14-day period to clear their plot. This may be extended by the Parish Clerk in exceptional circumstances otherwise the WB Allotment Association Committee will become responsible for all remaining items on a plot and dispose of them appropriately.
  9. Plots have been calculated in square metres. Annual rents will apply depending on 1 of 4 bands which plot falls into. Band A <85 sqm £18, Band B 85-105 sqm £23 (£18), Band C 106-130 sqm £25 (£20) and Band D >= 131 sqm £27 (£22) – Note Historic Concessions, in brackets, from prior to 30/09/21 will be honoured but no new concessions will be granted for new or existing plot holders. A Joining Fee of £20 will also be charged for new plot holders.
  10. No livestock are to be kept on the plots.
  11. Allotment holders must keep footpaths and tracks adjacent to their plots clean, tidy and reasonably free from weeds – no weed killer should be used on footpaths or tracks. Allotment waste must be composted or disposed of by the allotment holder and must not be placed on any vacant plot, footpath, track or any ditch.
  12. Allotment holders wishing to erect sheds on their plots must first seek the approval of the Trust, via the Parish Clerk, by submitting in writing the design, size of the shed and proposed location on plot, which should not exceed 6′ x 4’. Sheds are only allowed on in bands B – D; for plots in band A a tool chest only can be erected but it is not to exceed 1 metre high, 1m wide and 2m long. Poly tunnels are to be treated as sheds and should not exceed 10’ X 6’.  Greenhouses are not permitted. Any new structure erected on plots should not exceed 6’ 3” high. If you are considering a higher structure, consult with the chairperson of the WBAA before installing
  13. The use of hosepipes from the allotment tanks/tap is forbidden. No washing of equipment or veg/fruit should take place in water tanks to ensure no cross contamination between chemicals (i.e. weed killer) and water in tanks. Water supply will be turned off from Dec 1 to March 31.
  14. Fruit trees are to be kept to not more than 10 feet in height. They must be pruned regularly and not impede pathways or neighbouring plots.
  15. Kitchen waste such as cooked food, meat, eggs and cheese or similar will attract vermin and must not be placed on an allotment compost heap.
  16. Use of Pesticides on allotments for control of pests, weeds, blight etc – Only those approved for use in home, garden or allotments must be used (Normally those purchased from your local garden centre, DIY store or supermarket). All instructions for use should be followed correctly – and consideration given to neighbouring plots.
    All other pesticides, such as those used on farms or in public areas, are only approved for use in much larger commercial situations. The labels of these ‘professional’ products can be more complicated, and by law must only be used by those who have had the appropriate training/ certification. Professional products should never be used by the untrained amateur gardener.
  17. No bonfires allowed on site.  A skip will be provided in mid-November for non-compostable waste. Please compost as much material as possible.
  18. NO VEHICLES are permitted on site whatsoever from 1st November to the 31st March.
    These dates can be changed at the discretion of the Committee.
    During other times access is only for dropping off or picking up equipment/waste etc. and not for parking, unless special permission is given by Parish Clerk. This is to ensure the track is not damaged.
    Pink Dahlia
  19. The bringing of dogs onto the site is strongly discouraged but if it is necessary, they must strictly be on a lead and tethered as necessary.
  20. Young children must be supervised at all times and not left unattended at water tanks.
  21. Carpets are not to be used as a weed suppressant or a base for paths and no vehicle tyres are to be used on plots.
  22. No person may encroach or conduct any activity on another plot without the express permission of the plotholder or under instruction from the Committee.
  23. The New Allotments Trust reserves the right to amend any of the bylaws.

By Order of the New Allotment Trust

Laura Walkingshaw
West Bergholt Parish Clerk

Parking Permits

Parking is not allowed on the site except in exceptional circumstances.  Parking permits will be supplied to those who can provide justification for vehicle use. A Parking area will be provided and labelled for “Permit Holders Only”. Please do not abuse this system or the facility will be removed, to the disadvantage of those who really need it. To apply for a parking permit contact the Parish Clerk at [email protected].

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