Recent Facebook Posts
The Parish Council provides regular local news through this website and all such news items are then re-posted through Facebook, so many of these below will already be available (in more detail) on our Home page. This may, however, show additional posts and comments.
🙏 West Bergholt Parish Council would like to thank James Owers for his contribution and wishes him well as he leaves the council due to work & family commitments.👇
Parish Council Vacancy - West Bergholt
Official Notice that on the resignation of James Owers there is now a casual vacancy for a new Parish Councillor.
Planned Roadworks on Chapel Road, West Bergholt11th to 13th September 2024Anglian Water will be doing Utility Repair and Maintenance Works during this time, and updates can be found on the following link:👇
WE NEED YOUR HELP!PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION!! 🙏Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!Since 2019, West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been working tirelessly to secure a crossing or traffic calming measures on Colchester Road. This would provide a safer route for all residents, especially families and children walking to Heathlands School, and allow those from the new housing developments to access our village facilities safely.Despite support from District and County Councillors, Essex County Council has yet to take action! That's why we're launching a petition to make our voices heard. So please join the fight!👇 #westbergholtparishcouncilishcouncil
Hare Coursing Sadly with harvest in process, the hare coursing season has started again. Essex Police have responded to a number of calls across the county already. If you see hare coursing in progress please call 999. Local officers with support from the Rural Engagement Team will attend if suspects are still on the scene.#EssexPolice #ruralengagementteam #WestBergholt #saynotoharecoursing #savethehare #protectwildlife #westbergholtparishcouncil
Following a successful “taster session” last term, we are starting a regular weekly “after school drop in centre”. Based in the West Bergholt Social Club room at Orpen Hall, it will run on Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm. This will enable young people from Year 7 upwards to meet up with friends in a relaxed environment. #youthengagement
In a double 'Throwback' this week we look at an article in the December 2000 Bulletin (by Joyce Lucking) looking back to life in the village 70 years previously - so nearly 100 years ago! Intriguing - read it at:
RESIDENTS OF WEST BERGHOLT WE NEED YOUR HELP!PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION!! 🙏Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!Since 2019, West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been working tirelessly to secure a crossing or traffic calming measures on Colchester Road. This would provide a safer route for all residents, especially families and children walking to Heathlands School, and allow those from the new housing developments to access our village facilities safely.Despite support from District and County Councillors, Essex County Council has yet to take action! That's why we're launching a petition to make our voices heard. So please join the fight!👇 #westbergholtparishcouncilishcouncil
Following a successful “taster session” last term, we are starting a regular weekly “after school drop in centre”. Based in the West Bergholt Social Club room at Orpen Hall, it will run on Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm. This will enable young people from Year 7 upwards to meet up with friends in a relaxed environment. #youthengagement
The Cycling Working Party has announced a ride leader and proposed route for the upcoming 'Join a Ride'. More details in the next few weeks, but for now more info.
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RESIDENTS OF WEST BERGHOLT WE NEED YOUR HELP!PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION!! 🙏Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!Since 2019, West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been working tirelessly to secure a crossing or traffic calming measures on Colchester Road. This would provide a safer route for all residents, especially families and children walking to Heathlands School, and allow those from the new housing developments to access our village facilities safely.Despite support from District and County Councillors, Essex County Council has yet to take action! That's why we're launching a petition to make our voices heard. So please join the fight!👇 #westbergholtparishcouncilishcouncil