The Charity Stall

The ‘seeds’ for the Charity Stall were sown from 2010 onwards at Committee meetings discussing options to minimise waste produce.
The first Charity table came to fruition during the Bi-annual Open Gardens in 2014. In addition to opening the allotments to visitors, an objective was raising money for the Open Gardens, supporting the Tom Bowdidge Foundation. Plot holders erected a simple table and provided plants, flowers, and produce from their allotments, inviting visitors to take the produce for a donation. On the day, they raised £200, but there was still surplus produce. With the cooperation of a plot holder the table was transferred to their drive on New Church Road, with all the produce being taken in exchange for a donation during the remainder of the week raising a further £450.

The Association decided to begin raising funds from the month of May through to October based on its 2014 experience. It located a table, with a ‘trust box’ inside the New Church Road entrance gate (opposite the current Charity stall). It raised £2,350 during this time.
Following this success, the WBAA decided to maintain the table’s presence as an aid to reducing waste. This served two ends:
- it enabled the community to benefit from fresh local grown produce, and
- It raised funds for local causes situated within the community of West Bergholt. The WBAA Charity stall has raised an impressive total of £15,395.00 to date.
If your organisation or club wants to apply for a grant from the Charity Stall, please complete the application form:
Once completed return it to the West Bergholt Allotment Association for consideration via the Parish Clerk.
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