Girlguiding West Bergholt
A Worldwide movement
Girlguiding UK is the largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women in this county. It has around 600,000 members.
What do guides do?
Guides have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities. Their meetings are full of games and activities that are both fun and challenging.
Who can be a guide?
Any girl aged five or over. Membership is voluntary and is open to any girl or women regardless of faith, race, culture or nationality, provided she is able to understand and willing to work towards making the Promise.
I promise that I will do my best:
To be true to myself and develop my beliefs,
To serve the Queen and my community,
To help other people
To keep the (Brownie) Guide Law.
Girlguiding in West Bergholt has four units:
- 1st West Bergholt Rainbows Guides for girls aged 5 – 7
- 1st & 3rd West Bergholt Brownie Guides for girls ages 7 – 10
- 1st West Bergholt Guides for girls aged 10+
There are opportunities for young women aged 14+ to help as Young Leaders
Please contact [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or for details of meeting times & waiting lists.
More can be found out about Girl Guiding in general at their main website