History of West Bergholt from Normans to 20th Century

Our History – ‘A Thousand Years of village news’

History in pictures of West Bergholt

West Bergholt’s history might not be on the A-Level syllabus, but it certainly has plenty of interest; as local historian Jon Lander said in his book “A Thousand Years of Village News” some years ago:

West Bergholt has never been the site of a battle, Queen Elizabeth did not sleep at Bergholt Hall, there are no treaties or charters bearing its name.

People will tell you that nothing much has ever happened in our village, a sleepy little place in the shadow of Colchester. In fact, West Bergholt has a rich and exciting history of its own……

Jon Lander
December 1999

Much of this past that Jon Lander talks about can be found in this site.  His articles, mostly sourced from the Bulletin, address diverse topics:

Other articles include:

If the subject interests you, you may also be interested in the West Bergholt History Group.

West Bergholt postcard 1910 part of the village history

Other Sources

For access to various historic census, polls & other historic documents you could also try visiting

Oddly, the National Library of Scotland has digitised a number of historic maps and offer a useful utility to overlay different maps over the current reality; for example, below is a 1900(ish) OS map overlaying a current satellite view.  The History Group published an article about this site in May 2019.

Recent news items

The most recent news items tagged as relevant are listed below.  Please click on the heading to read the whole article…

If you would like to view all history-related news posts click the link – https://westbergholt-pc.gov.uk/tag/history/.

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