Friendly Benches & where to find them

One of the plaques showing sponsor of each friendly bench

Walking around the village’s Friendly Benches

Friendly benches are more of an opportunity to relax, whilst walking around the village, than a walk in itself; of course there’s nothing to stop you visiting them all once installed. Interestingly the three new benches (B, D & G) are made of recycled crisp packets. With 4 existing benches being repurposed, there are now 7 to enjoy.

AGrass triangle at the end of Chapel Road
BPoor’s Land playing fieldAllotments Association
CFootpath in front of the school
DBy the large oak tree off Mumford CloseEssex County Council Microgrant
EPlay area on the Lorkin Daniell field
FThe village pond by the Queens Head
GThe footpath to Heathlands by the Scout HutAutumn Village Quiz
Location of the Benches

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