On Wednesday 26th January 2022 West Bergholt Parish Council agreed the following motion in declaring a Climate Emergency:

“That this Council believes that a Climate Emergency should be declared and that the Parish Council will take action either through its own work, or in conjunction with others in the Parish, to cut Carbon Emissions, mitigate the effects of Global Warming and improve Natural Environments all in the wider interests of future generations.”
So what has been happening?
West Bergholt, just like anywhere else in the country, is in the middle of a Cost-of-Living Crisis as well as a Climate Emergency, with many people trying to find the best value they can and not sure where to turn. West Bergholt Parish Council decided to declare a Climate Emergency in January 22 and established a Climate Emergency Working Party, made up of Councillors and interested residents, to look into what we can do to help the occupants of our small Parish. The group will be producing a Climate Emergency Action Plan for the Parish Council over the coming months. However, as you will see from other pages in this section of our site, progress is already being made.
Save Money & Help the Planet
This part of our website is about how you, as residents, can save money and at the same time hopefully help the planet.
Therefore, if you would like to join our Working Party, please contact us at [email protected]. Similarly, you can contact us if you would like to set up an initiative, such as ‘Shed Men’, or have a passion for something, e.g., a Hedgehog Highway and would like help accessing information or possible sources of funding.
If you want to know how West Bergholt village is doing at the moment in terms of the climate emergency, have a look on the IMPACT tool, Community Carbon Calculator https://impact-tool.org.uk/using-impact. Or you can view the report we produced using it just recently – West Bergholt’s carbon footprint report. It makes interesting reading and highlights the areas which we all need to consider:

Essex County Council has a multitude of resources, such as the Essex Advice Pack, created following the establishment of the Essex Climate Action Commission. The County Council also has a new free app which will help residents of Essex find out how to reduce their carbon footprint. The Carbon Cutting Essex app allows residents to track their carbon footprint and discover how they can reduce it. It provides hundreds of practical and cost-effective ideas on how to minimise our impact on the planet. Many of these suggestions will not only help to reduce the county’s carbon footprint but can also help save residents money.
More Information
Please find more useful information on the following pages:
- Energy/Water.
- Transport.
- Food/Waste.
- Natural Environment.
- Local Best Practice.
We are not recommending any particular websites or businesses but are simply trying to provide sources for you to take a look at and make your own minds up. Please explore this area and let us know what you think and if you would like to recommend any other sites which you think may be useful to others, again let us know via [email protected] .