The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th October 2023 with topics including:

- Speeding on Lexden Road,
- Maintenance matters with ponds, playground & hedges,
- Environment & Biodiversity,
- Consideration of budget needs for future plans.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 12th October 2023 at 5.00pm in SC Mtg Rm
Members present: | Cllrs Katie Pulford (KP), Harry Stone (HS), Manya Barrow (MB), David Short (DS) and Paul Chamberlain (PC) (Cllrs John Gili-Ross (JGR) and James Owers (JO) joined the meeting by Zoom) |
Also present: | No members of the public |
1. Welcome & Apologies
No apologies.
2. Declarations of Interests
3. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
The minute of the 14th September were approved. No further comment.
4. Public participation
Email from resident – Speeding on Lexden Road
In response to an email expressing concern about the traffic situation in Lexden Road, particularly at school times, the dangers caused by additional traffic caused by the works on the A12 were discussed.
ACTION – Extra Speedwatch checks were suggested, and the Parish Clerk is asked to contact Antony Robin.
ACTION – A Police presence at key times would make a difference and the Clerk is asked to discuss with the Rural Engagement Team.
Email from Heathlands School – Fire engine access
ACTION – The difficulties of a Fire Engine entering Heathlands School site are a cause for concern and a meeting to establish the facts with a representative of the Fire and Rescue Service is proposed.
5. Handymen’s report:
- In the end no access was needed from behind the Football Club to the property in New Church Road for the resident to carry out construction work, but as a result the PC did acquire two wooden sheds which have been erected in the area.
- The links in the chains of one of the play area swings have been replaced and Paul Chamberlin offered to do the other two in order to ensure they are at the correct height.
- Playquip have been contacted about the cone roundabout and will deal with some emerging faults.
- The faulty tap on Poors Land has been fitted with a new valve – DS will check that the fault has been corrected.
6. Village ponds
A budget is needed to carry out regular routine work on the ponds. The Hall Road Pond is the first to need attention and should be dug out.
KP is waiting to hear advice on using a spray to control vegetation in the ponds.
7. Annual hedge cutting & flailing.
Hedge cutting by the contractor is planned for half term week. It is expected that a sweeper will be arranged for as soon as possible afterwards.
8. Review of Environmental Strategic Plan 21-26, in regard to consideration of biodiversity
The Environment Strategic Plan has been reviewed and is considered fit for purpose.
9. Update on potentially renewing the PC’s “No Parking” banners.
The Parish Clerk has made enquiries about the need for the PC to have planning permission to put up banners and is awaiting a response.
10. To receive an update on the required costs for barriers around the Armoury Road grass area, subject to required ECC permissions, ready for discussion at the Oct full council meeting.
The Committee favours obtaining hedging plants through the CCC scheme as advised by Cllr Lewis Barber. These would be used to form a barrier around the area but would need protection by some posts and low-level chain-link fencing for about two years while the hedging is being established.
11. Future Environment/Highways plans in consideration of 2023-24 budget.
The Committee expects to meet with the RFO to discuss the budget at its meeting in November. A yearly entry for pond maintenance should be established – the average cost per year is around £900. Also, a contingency fund for tree maintenance is needed at about £2000 per year.
12. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 16th November, at 5pm in the SC Meeting Room.