A dry, still, November Saturday morning saw 15 enthusiastic people come together at St Mary’s Old Church. They had come from as far away as Chelmsford to enjoy our now annual guided ‘fungi hunt’ walk. This year they were led by one who set their level of expectations by confirming that as there are over 15,000 species of fungi in the UK, he had no intention of being dogmatic in any identifications. He was working on the principal that anything found, if eaten, would cause severe illness or even death! (You’re not getting the writer into a Coroner’s Court.)
First Finds
So, on that basis we started in the Church graveyard where we found numerous Waxcaps (probably Golden Waxcaps).
Join the Friends of Hillhouse Wood to Hunt for Fungi
Wrinkled Peach Fungi seen last year
The Friends will be going on a “fungus hunt” to seek out elusive fungi next Saturday 16th. They will aim to find a variety of mushrooms and toadstools in and around the wood, and explain something of their fascinating life cycles and why fungi are essential for a healthy woodland. They will also keep an eye out for visiting winter birds.
Nearly 20 hunters scoured the woods, hedgerows and fields last year and were rewarded with some stunning finds. You can see the report, including a video slideshow of their finds, here.
The walk will start at the Old Church, leaving at 10am on Saturday 16th November. The walk will take in Hillhouse Wood and surrounding hedgerows. You should wear strong boots or wellies, as you may encounter wet conditions underfoot !
Read on for a report from the last guided walk on 28th September.
Autumn Fruits Walk 2024 did better with flowers! – Steve Hallam Reports
Nearly 50 Species!
Eight of us scoured Hillhouse Wood and surrounding fields for evidence of nature’s bounty. We were rewarded by finding nearly fifty species of plants showing fruits or flowers. However, I believe that this walk is arguably mis-named, in that we usually see more flowers than fruits. This proved to be the case again this year.
Posada originates from Mexico where people dress as Mary and Joseph and re-enact the journey to Bethlehem, travelling from house to house asking for a place to stay (the word Posada means an inn). In recent years, this idea has been modified by churches in this country by sending the figures of Mary and Joseph and the donkey from house to house during Advent.
The one member of the public present was there, as an interested observer of proceedings.
5. Handymen’s report:
A full report was not available due to unforeseen circumstances, but it was reported that the Handyman had carried out their full range of routine duties.
6. 2025-26 Budget and/or Env. Committee projects
Cllr. Gili-Ross had provided a list of potential additional provision for future maintenance to equipment and in particular to the requirement for more robust equipment/tools/ machinery etc., this in light of the fact that it may be the case that CCC will further curtail their grass cutting programme in 2025.
7. Ponds
It is understood that Cllr. Pulford is researching an appropriate window of time to undertake spraying of the ponds which will be carried out by the suitably qualified handymen as discussed at the September meeting. Next year’s budget for the pond maintenance was discussed but see Para. 11 below.
8. Annual hedge cutting.
The contractor has confirmed that routine hedge cutting will take place during the October half-term, precise dates yet to be advised. Clerk has contacted CCC to arrange for a sweeper to attend following completion of the work. The handymen are to be present to drop the various barriers in order to allow access for the tractor flail. The residents of Henderson Close are to be advised of the relevant date as previously discussed.
9. Flagpole
Completion of this project is in hand.
10. VE Day celebrations
The Parish Council was invited by Bruno Peek the nation’s Pageantmaster to participate in the forthcoming celebration of VE Day on 8th May 2025. The celebrations will mainly consist of beacon lighting, church bell ringing, choral singing and band playing. Whether or not West Bergholt will participate is yet to be decided and placed before the full PC, but in the meantime Cllr. Stone and Short will sound out various organisations and individuals to ascertain the level of interest in participating and will report back to the Env.Com. in due course.
11. Upcoming items
Consideration should be given to requirements for the upcoming Parish council budget to include such items as the purchase of new tools for the handymen (see Paras. 7 and 8 above). It was decided that the Env. Com. would undertake detailed discussions in order to present to Cllr. Savage and the PC, the committee’s recommendations (which are anticipated to be substantial), for the forthcoming budget.
12. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 14th November 2024, at 4.30pm in the SC Meeting Room.
St Mary’s is taking part in this year’s Season of Creation during the month of September, and details of our events can be found below.
The Season of Creation is a global and ecumenical Christian movement, established in 1989, to celebrate and care for God’s gift of Creation. Each year, from 1st September through to St Francis Day on 4th October, Christian Communities from all over the world come together to pray and act for our common home.
This Cèilidh edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather looking at how ten years of Archbishop Welby’s call to prayer through his ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ message has fared. It then continues with:
As I write this, in the churches we are in the 10 days between Ascension, when we remember Jesus returning back to heaven after the resurrection and Pentecost, when we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit.
The Dawn Chorus 2024 walk , which is taking place on Saturday 18th May, will be led by Steve Hallam. Organised by the Friends of Hillhouse Wood, this walk affords the opportunity to see Nightingales and many other brilliant dawn choristers. Steve says:
If you haven’t tried this you’ll find it a rewarding and delightful experience at a very special time for the wood’s varied birdlife.
It will mean an early start, meeting at the Old Church at 3:45 am (weather permitting). You are should bring warm clothing, stout footwear, a flask of hot drink and a torch.
This walk follows on from the recent Spring Flowers Walk.
Report of the 2024 Spring flowers walk
Wouldn’t life be boring without some variation and unpredictability? You can rely on the Hillhouse Wood guided walks to provide this – even the ones that are supposed to be the same, such as the Spring flowers walk. This year’s walk was no exception, both positively and less so.
The Next Guided Walk at Hillhouse Wood is the Spring Flower Walk
Following the successful Winter Bird Walk in March (see report below), the next Guided Walk is the annual Spring Flower Walk on Saturday 27th April. Steve Hallam will lead the walk in and near Hillhouse Wood. Previously called the Bluebell Walk, it has become difficult to pick the optimum ‘bluebell’ date for the walk although there will always be plenty of Spring Flowers to see. The walk will start at the Old Church at 2pm.
Other upcoming Friends of Hillhouse Wood activities are:
Dawn Chorus Guided Walk on Saturday 18th May, and
Stall at the Village Fete on Saturday 6th July.
Winter Birds – Steve Hallam Reports
Of all the guided walks that I lead, the winter bird walk is the most unpredictable. The weather can be variable and off-putting, whilst at this time of year the birds move around looking for food. So, you can be never sure which species you will encounter and whether you will be able see or hear them through the driving rain or howling gale.