Environment & Highways – 16th November 2023

AI generated image to reflect some of the topics discussed on the 16th November 2023

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 16th November 2023 with topics including:

  • Update on works completed by the handymen,
  • Approving a budget for the next financial year,
  • Plans for Village Ponds,
  • New fencing for Lorkin Daniell play area,
  • Christmas Tree, &
  • Flooding & a Sink Hole.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 16th November 2023 at 5.00pm in SC Mtg Rm

Members present:Cllrs John Gili-Ross (JGR), Katie Pulford (KP), Harry Stone (HS), Manya Barrow (MB), David Short (DS) and RFO Andrew Savage (AS)
Also present:No members of the public

1.     Welcome & Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr James Owers.

2.     Declarations of Interests


3.     Minutes & actions from previous meeting

The minute of the 12th October were approved. No further comment.

4.     Public participation

No members of the public were present.

5.     Handymen’s report:

  1. Recent work has been to clear the drains at the bottom of Argents Lane.
  2. The edges of the ponds have been trimmed. 
  3. Regular playground inspections have taken place, and the equipment is in good condition.
  4. The grass around the edge of the Lorkin Daniell Field will be inspected and if necessary, cut at the request of the Football Club.
  5. The sign to the Old Church at the end of Hall Road is being repaired and then returned to its place.

6.     2024-25 budgets and projects

AS introduced his proposed budget for 2024/25.  Each line was considered, and the outline Environment budget was approved.

The MUGA lights could be replaced by LED ones, but costs will need to be obtained.

Free hedging is available for the project on Colchester Road and KP can obtain the posts needed to protect it at a small cost.

The estimated costs for the groundwork for the erection of the newly acquired shed is £1000 and will be funded as a project.

7.     Village ponds

The Hall Road Pond needs to be cleared by next Spring.  A quote for £800 can almost be covered by funds remaining in this year’s budget.

The Queens Head Pond can be sprayed using wildlife sustainable spray to control excess weeds, if the Environment Agency are informed.  KP can obtain the spray and a check needs to be made that the Handymen’s licence allows them to use the appropriate spray.

8.     To note approval of the siting of the proposed new fence and gate at LD Field play area.

The erection of a new fence and gate to the Lorkin Daniell field play area, according to the revised plan, was approved.

9.     Christmas tree provision

JO, with the support of Paul Chamberlain, has the Christmas tree provision in hand.

10.  Shed erection and base work.

New shed – see item 6 above.

11.  Flooding issues – including around Co Op at Chapel Road/New Church Road.

The recent flooding issues, particularly at the corner of New Church Road are being dealt with by our ECC Cllr Lewis Barber.

12.  Sink hole in footpath along Bures Road.

The sink hole in the footpath along Bures Road has been dealt with.

13.  Feedback from Woodland Creation event on Wed 15th Nov.

The breakfast Woodland Creation event held at the Queens Head on 15 Nov was deemed to be very successful and worthwhile.

14.  Date of next meeting

The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 11th Jan 2024, at 5pm in the SC Meeting Room.

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