Message from Revd Emma – February: A Month of Light, Love, and New Beginnings
As February unfolds, we find ourselves moving further into the promise of lighter days and the hope of new growth. Winter may still hold a chill in the air, but beneath the surface, life is stirring. Snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are beginning to pierce through the earth, their delicate heads reaching for the sun. It’s a reminder that even in the coldest of seasons, new life is emerging, and God’s creative power is at work in the world around us.
Meeting on 13th January 2025, the Planning & Development Committee first agreed the minutes from the previous meeting. The committee then discussed 2 applications, in The Crescent & Colchester Road, both of which were supported.
Read the official minutes below.
Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Monday 13th January 2025 at 6.30pm in the John Lampon Hall
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
The Parish Council will take into account the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.
Cllr Bob Tyrell
Parish Councillors:
Cllrs Brian Butcher, Andrew Savage, Veronique Tyler
Also in attendance:
Clerk Assistant – no members of the public attended
Agenda items:
1. Welcome & Apologies for absence:
Apologies received from Cllr Chamberlain
2. Declarations of interest:
3. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
Minutes all agreed, and no actions
4. Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.
No public participation, or pre-application representations received
5. Planning Applications, and Appeals:
242609 Grebe House, The Crescent, West Bergholt CO6 3DA
Planning Application: Front single storey porch extension, rear two storey extension
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment
Decision: Support
250013 Bounceability, Hill House Farm, 157 Colchester Road, West Bergholt CO6 3JX
Planning Application: Application for variation of a condition 1 following grant of planning permission 101011
Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment
Meeting on 16th December 2024, the Planning & Development Committee first agreed the minutes from the previous meeting. The committee then discussed 3 applications, variously in Lexden Road, Coney Byes Lane & New Church Road. Two were supported (one with some concerns raised).
Read the official minutes below.
Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Held on Monday 16th December 2024 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall
It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.
Christmas Message from Revd Anne – The Light of the World
The shortest day in 2024 was 21st December and since then the days have been getting longer and we’ll get more daylight each day until we reach the longest day in June. During these sometimes gloomy months bulbs that start flowering early, such as snowdrops, crocus and hyacinths, grow away in the dark, pushing their way through the cold soil, until they reach the light and give us the joy of seeing their flowers.
Vocal Zones Choir invite you to join them next Friday 20th December for a Christmas Singalong Concert. They always enjoy this festive event and hope that you will too. Choir director Emma Bishton has selected a variety of carols and Christmas songs for your pleasure, come and enjoy! They will invite you to join in with some of the perennial favourites:
Join the Friends of St Mary’s at their Candlelight Carol Service
Once again the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church are holding a Candlelight Carol Service in the Old Church. The Friends look forward to welcoming you back on Sunday 15th December at 2:30 pm.
The service is free and open to all and there’s now dedicated car parking opposite the church. One of St Mary’s ministers will lead the service.
The Friends are also looking for someone to pump the church organ during the service, so if anyone is interested please contact Nicole Long on 01206 240443.
The 30th AGM of the Friends of Hillhouse Wood is scheduled for Wednesday, 11th December 2024, at John Lampon Hall within the Orpen Hall Complex on Lexden Road, West Bergholt. The meeting will commence at 7:30 pm, with refreshments available from 7:00 pm. Both members and non-members are invited to attend.
At the end of the formal proceedings there will be the opportunity to raise issues and engage in discussion (whilst finishing the refreshments!)
Christmas Message from Revd Heather – The Perfect Gift
As I write this, it is the 11th November, Remembrance Day. Yesterday in our churches, we remembered, lest we forget, the sacrifice of so many that we might know peace and freedom in our time. But as is always the way, the world is pushing us on, and we are being bombarded by Christmas adverts on the television and through social media. It seems hard to imagine, that we could ever forget that Christmas is coming.
Meeting on 11th November 2024, the Planning & Development Committee first reviewed actions from the previous meeting. These included confirming submission of updates to the Neighbourhood Plan. The committee then discussed 4 applications, variously in Bures Road, Mumford Close, Chapel Road & Scarletts Chase. All four were supported.