St Mary’s News – Great Expectations
After Revd. Heather’s reflections around ‘Great Expectations’, this editions includes:

- A Happy Sustainable New Year!,
- January Events, and
- The usual listings of services and contacts.
A New Year Reflection from Revd. Heather
Great expectations
For those that enjoy Christmas movies, the season for watching them, which appears to span anytime from the end of October to December is finally over. One book, which seems to feature over and over again in Christmas films, albeit under many different guises, is that great Charles Dickens novel, A Christmas Carol.
Another novel of Charles Dickens is Great Expectations.
As we embark on a New Year, we might have Great Expectations. There may be those things we are looking forward to, a wedding, a big birthday celebration or anniversary, those ‘Save the date’ bookings, that with the new diary seem to be approaching so much more quickly now.
As we await the arrival of Grandson number 2, we have great expectations, of another year, spending precious time with our daughter Megan’s growing young family. Our older grandson Elyan, who celebrated his 1st Birthday on the 15th December, has shown us exactly how much can be achieved in just 12 short months.
He has gone from sleeping most of the time, and drinking only milk, to having much shorter day time naps, crawling, sofa surfing, being weaned and finally getting to enjoy his first sugar rush and a slice of cake on his birthday.
He has grown his own personality, he is able to let us know what he likes and doesn’t like and has a smile that would melt even the coldest heart, or maybe that is just the Granny in me speaking.
Living each day in he moment
And yet I suspect he had no expectations last year, when he was born, about what 2023 would be like, he has lived each day in the moment as only a child can. Likewise, in 2024, whilst Elyan goes on to explore the joys of walking and talking, his younger brother, we pray, will achieve all that he has already achieved and maybe even more.
So as another year marches on, with New Year’s celebrations, Burns night, Valentines, Lent and Easter to look forward to over the next few months, whether our expectations are great or small, may we trust Jesus to be our guide, as we travel ever onwards, confident in the knowledge that he is with us always.

May God bless you all.
Reverend Heather Wilcox
Happy Sustainable New Year!
Have you made any new year’s resolutions? Our Deanery Environmental Advocate, Kate Clifton, has helped produce the A-Z of New Year’s Resolutions (below) to help look after our planet. Here is a snapshot from them:
E = | explore free exchange sites like Freecycle. |
A = | already, renewable energy is a big contributor to the UK’s energy production. Consider switching to a renewable energy provider. |
R = | reuse packaging such as wrapping paper, ribbon and padded envelopes. |
T = | take the bus instead of the car where possible. |
H = | heat the person not the room—use a hot water bottle or microwaveable heat pillow to keep cozy! |
Events in January
Coffee/Tea and Cake Drop-ins on Thursdays at St Mary’s
January can be a gloomy month so it’s good if you can meet up with others for a chat! As well as our Saturday morning Café on the first Saturday of each month, all are very welcome to join us on Thursdays in the church hall:
- 10am-11.30am—coffee and cake (term time only) – pre-school children welcome, toys available.
- 2.30-4pm—5Ts Social Group—tea, cake and quizzes – if you would like a lift to 5Ts, please contact Ronnie Seymour on 07772 241178
Café @ St Mary’s—Sat 6 January & Sat 3 February—10am-12pm
On Saturday 6 January & 3 February, the church will be open between 10am and 12 midday serving coffee, bacon butties and other refreshments. There will be fun activities for children, games for all ages and the weekend newspapers for the grown ups to read.
So if you’d like space to relax or chat, or somewhere to come and warm up while taking the dog out for a walk, do come and visit us. You will be very welcome!
Next Storytime—Saturday 20 January at 6pm in the Church Hall

Come and try out our next Storytime session at 6pm (every 3rd Saturday), in St. Mary’s church hall. It’s a space for parents and younger children to come and unwind at the end of the day, listen to stories from the bible, sing songs, and enjoy a hot chocolate before going home to bed. Please spread the word and encourage young families to come along. PS Children can come in their pyjamas!
Services & Other Dates
6 January | 10:00 am | Café @ St Mary’s |
7 January | 9:30 am | Holy Communion |
14 January | 9:30 am | Messy Church |
20 January | 6:00 pm | Storytime |
21 January | 9:30 pm | Holy Communion |
28 January | 9:30 am | Café Church |
3 February | 10:00 am | Café @ St Mary’s |
4 February | 2:30 pm | Holy Communion |
Our Team at St Mary’s
- Priest in Charge: Revd. Heather Wilcox
email: [email protected]
tel: 01206 240906 or 07503 151715 - Assistant Priest: Revd Anne Mason
email: [email protected].
tel: 07895 970834 (Sunday & Tuesday – Thursday). - Curate: Revd Emma Barr
email: [email protected]
tel: 07801 659345 - Church Wardens:
Peter & Caroline Finlay, — [email protected] or 07926 387551 and
Kate & Stephen Penrose, — 07973 421306 - Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs):
Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
Michael Foster—01206 241022;
Joy Budden—01206 241871;
Liz Dixon—07914 001212. - Parish Evangelist
Ron Seymour—01206 272579. - Church Administrators & Hall Bookings:
Donna Luxton & Jo Rassell — 01206 243683,
email: [email protected].
Church Office Hours — Monday – Friday 10 am – midday. - Newsletter Editor:
Liz Dixon – 07914 001212
email: [email protected]. - Website:
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