Cycling ‘Join a Ride’ Leader & Route Announced


Following a recent meeting with Zoe Swainston, British Cycling Community Coach based at Northern Gateway, we are delighted that she has volunteered her services to lead our proposed ride around the West Bergholt area.

A suggested route is shown below.  This would potentially consist of two rides, including a shorter route for families, depending on demand. More information will be available in a few weeks, so please sign up below if you are interested in joining us.

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St Mary’s News – The “Summer Vibe” Edition

St Mary’s News – Summer Vibes, Cèilidh & More

Summer Vibe image, happy people with musical imagery

This Summer Vibe edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Emma Barr reflecting on the joy that music can bring.  It then continues with a number of events:

… the usual listings of services and contacts.

 Message from Revd. Emma Barr

What’s your Summer Vibe?

The wedding season is most definitely in full swing. What a privilege it is as a member of the clergy to walk alongside a couple as they make their preparations to marry and then be front line and centre to witness their big day.

There is so much that makes the service bespoke but for me it all starts literally with the first piece of music. We have had allsorts whether it is super traditional:

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St Mary’s News – The Cèilidh Edition

St Mary’s News – Thy Kingdom Come, Cèilidh & More

This Cèilidh edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather looking at how ten years of Archbishop Welby’s call to prayer through his ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ message has fared.  It then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Heather Wilcox

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come - logo of Church of England annual event

As I write this, in the churches we are in the 10 days between Ascension, when we remember Jesus returning back to heaven after the resurrection and Pentecost, when we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit.

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St Mary’s News – The Walking Edition

St Mary’s News – Walking Rogation & Prayer

Rogation May Day Walk map

This Walking edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Anne’s message considering her recent hospital experience and relating it to how Jesus looked after his disciples on the first Easter.  It then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Anne Mason

Peace be with you

A few weeks ago, Easter was joyfully celebrated in Christian churches around the world with a message of hope, and life in abundance in this world and in the next.  And Jesus’ appearing to his disciples, and to many hundreds of others, after his death and resurrection, gave me extra cause for reflection this year.

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St Mary’s News – The Oaks & Acorns Edition

Oaks & Acorns

St Mary’s News – Mighty Oaks & Acorns

This Oaks & Acorns edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather’s message about sowing seeds and the relation that has with the Resurrection; it then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Heather Wilcox

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

It’s that time of year once again, when I, along with many other amateur gardeners, disappear for short periods of time into the sanctuary of my greenhouse and in faith set out row upon row of pots, fill them with compost and then place little tiny seeds into the soil, water them, and then patiently, or not so patiently, wait in anticipation that something will happen.  That by some small miracle, the seed, which to all appearances was lifeless, will spring into life, and ultimately produce a plant, which will go on to produce enough tomatoes, courgettes, butternut squashes, cucumbers, or whatever else has been sown, to keep us well fed with fresh vegetables for several months to come.

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Winter 2023-4 Photography Competition

Results of the Winter ’24 Photography Competition

Banksy style AI Generated Image Photography competition

Our Winter Themed  Photography Competition for under 18’s and under 12’s, ran from the 5th December 2023 to  the 16th January 2024. This is one of what the Parish Council hopes to establish as regular village events. The competition had a number of themed categories and, although multiple entries could be made, an individual could only win one prize in each category.

We were delighted with the quality of the entries and it made the judging challenging! Fortunately the panel was led by Tony Morris (our local Photographer) who provided expertise supported by Cllrs Butcher and Cullis. Much deliberating took place before the judging was concluded and the winners selected.

Tony said that

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St Mary’s News – The Lambing Edition

Revd. Emma Barr is used to lambing - seen here with one of her lambs
Revd. Emma Barr & Lamb

St Mary’s News – Lambing & Flocks

This Lambing edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Emma Bar’s seasonal message about God’s Beloved Flock and then continues with:

Message from Revd. Emma Barr

God’s Beloved Flock

Spring is making an attack on winter with the now lighter mornings and drawn out evenings, something I always rejoice at as we are in the middle of lambing and it makes it so much easier and cheerier having light.

This year with 103 ewes scanned in lamb we were set for a busy time. It is always a time of waiting and watching, with excitement and anticipation knowing there will be the amazing success stories of lambs being adopted to other mothers and little ones making it against all the odds, but as with all things there are also the sad stories of loss.

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St Mary’s News – What are you thankful for?

In this edition Revd Heather asks “What are you thankful for?”

Orphan train is used as a reference point when Rev. Heather asks What are you thankful for.

After discussing ‘what are you thankful for’ this edition continues with:

A copy of the PCC (Parochial Church Council) minutes are available to view in the Church (in the leaflet rack on top of the side cupboards).

Rev. Heather’s  asks “What are you thankful for?”

What are you thankful for? As I ask this question I am reminded of the film ‘The Orphan train’, which depicts the journey, Emma Simms, niece of Reverend Simms, made taking orphan children to find new homes in the West of America. The journey is accompanied by many traumas, including a fire in their train carriage, arriving in the town of Clayhorn, only to be driven away by the townsfolk and a massive storm causing a bridge collapse, with the last few orphans, having to walk the final 15 miles to the town of Mildred.

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St Mary’s News – the Summer Holiday Edition

Summer Holidays

In this edition Revd Heather reflects on Summer Holidays

After discussing Summer Holidays, this edition continues with:

Rev. Heather’s Summer Message

It is that time of year when, for many of us, our minds turn to summer holidays.

Weather House - Hot or old?

Whether we are escaping to far flung places and the promise of hours of uninterrupted sunshine, sweltering temperatures, and beautiful beaches, or opting to take our chances with the British weather, staying in this country, whilst also being assured that wherever we go we are blessed with a beautiful country with plenty to see and to learn about. For me and the family this year it is a holiday in Northumberland that we are looking forward to.

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St Mary’s News – the “He is not here” edition

This edition of St Mary’s News starts with Heather’s “He is not here” message and then continues with:

He is not here, he has risen – Rev. Heather’s Easter Message

April begins in a rather playful mood, with April Fools day. Be it on TV, radio or in the papers, over the year, there have been some rather clever April fools jokes played on us, the unsuspecting public.

April Fools Pranks

Who can forget, Richard Dimbleby’s report in 1957 on a particularly bountiful crop of spaghetti in Switzerland, due in part to the disappearance of the pesky spaghetti weevil.

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