St Mary’s News – the Midsummer Edition

This edition starts with Rev Heather’s Midsummer Message

This edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather’s “Midsummer” message and then continues with:

St Paul's Cathedral

Midsummer Message from Rev. Heather

Our Father

It seems hard to believe, that the midway point of the year is approaching, our days are so much longer now, as we enter June and summer begins, but still time seems to rush on and there is never enough time to get things done.

Longest Day

On the 21st June we will celebrate the longest day of the year. I always feel there is something a little disappointing in the fact that no sooner has summer begun than the days begin to get shorter! But then I take heart in the fact that, for a while at least, the evenings continue to lengthen, it’s just that it gets light later in the morning … when most of us are fast asleep anyway and so, for a time we hardly notice.

Father’s Day Treat

We also celebrate Father’s Day in June. This year, I am treating my father, to something I don’t think either of us in our wildest imagination ever thought would happen, I still can’t quite believe it! I will be preaching at Evensong in St. Pauls Cathedral. My dad is rather proud and looking forward to being there, I am incredibly nervous and just praying I don’t make a complete fool of myself.

A Privilege

Whilst it is of course a privilege to be able to preach, or indeed to do anything in such an amazing place as St. Pauls Cathedral, it is so far out of my comfort zone it all seems rather wild. But I take comfort in the fact it is happening on Father’s Day. Although Father’s Day is not a church festival, it is a good day to be reminded of the father love of God. And I am reminded of a conversation with my father just a few weeks ago, when talking about the St. Pauls service, I was saying how I felt far too inadequate to be doing this, I was saying how I am just a rural parish priest, and he said, but you are far more than that, you are my daughter.

Whatever our experience of earthly fathers, to our heavenly father, we are always far more than the sum of what we believe we are, be it parish priest, company director, or hospital cleaner. We are sons and daughters of God, we are loved more than we can ever comprehend, by the one who created the heavens and earth.

Child of God

As a beloved child of God, and of my own earthly father, I will stand in St. Pauls Cathedral on the 18th June, my knees will be knocking, but I will remember that all I do is in the service of my heavenly father who strengthens me.

That same heavenly Father is there for each one of us.
May God bless you

Trip to St Paul’s Cathedral for Evensong and Tour—Sunday 18 June

St Paul's Cathedral

As Heather has mentioned in her message above, she has been invited to preach at St Paul’s Cathedral Evensong on Sunday 18 June @ 3pm! Lots of people from her 6 parishes will be there to support her and a coach has been arranged to pick people up at Boxted (at 11.20am) and West Bergholt (at 11.30am). There are still a few spaces available at £13.70 per person if you would like to join them. Please contact Donna in the office to book your place—see contact details opposite. 

Eco Matters

Seasonal produce

As part of our work towards becoming an Eco Church, we will be including some Eco tips in the newsletter on a regular basis. This month:

Why not try more ‘in season’ locally grown fruit and vegetables to cut down on food air miles?

Seasonal for June:

Baby carrots, Broad beans, Chard, Courgettes and Summer squash, Currants, Gooseberries, Lettuce, Radishes, Rocket, Spinach, Spring Cabbage, Spring Onions and Strawberries.

Wildlife Count in the Churchyard—10am-12 noon


Come along and see what wildflowers, birds and insects you can spot in the churchyard! We will be recording everything we find as part of the ‘Churches Count on Nature’ week. All welcome!

Also on Saturday 3 June—Drop in Café

Bacon Buttie

We’re excited to be launching a drop in café on the first Saturday of every month, starting on 3 June, from 10am to noon. Alongside tea, coffee and cake and bacon butties there will be games, a craft activity and newspapers. Do come along. All are welcome!

Living in Love and Faith Course

Beginning on the 14th & 15th June, this 5 week course will be run on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm in St. Johns Church room, Great Horkesley and Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in St. Mary’s Church, West Bergholt. This is for all 6 parishes and all are very welcome.

The course provides a structured and accessible way to engage in and reflect on ‘Living in Love and Faith’, a major exploration of Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. For more information please speak to Rev Heather or Rev Anne.

What to expect from the course

The five sessions of the course each address a key question:

  • What does it mean to learn together as followers of Jesus Christ?
  • How does our identity in Christ relate to sex and gender?
  • What kinds of relationships does God call us to?
  • Where do our bodies and sex fit in to all of this?
  • How do diversity and difference affect our life together as a church?

Each session includes an opening reflection, followed by teaching, time for discussion and Bible study. The sessions end with an invitation to reflect on our learning, bringing it to God in prayer.

Services & Other Dates

3rd June10:00 am – 12 noonCafé @ St Mary’s
Wildlife Count in the Churchyard
4th June9:30 amHoly Communion
11th June9:30 amMessy Church
14th June Start of Living in Love & Faith Course
18th June9:30 am
3:00 pm
Holy Communion
Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral with Rev. Heather
25th June9:30 amCafé Church
2nd July9:30 amHoly Communion

Our Team at St Mary’s

  • Priest in Charge: Revd. Heather Wilcox
    email: [email protected]
    tel: 01206 240906 or 07503 151715
  • Assistant Priest: Revd Anne Mason
    email: [email protected].
    tel: 07895 970834 (Sunday & Tuesday – Thursday).
  • Church Wardens:
    Peter & Caroline Finlay, — [email protected] or 07926 387551 and
    Kate & Stephen Penrose, — 07973 421306
  • Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs):
    Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
    Michael Foster—01206 241022;
    Joy Budden—01206 241871;
    Liz Dixon—07914 001212.
  • Parish Evangelist
    Ron Seymour—01206 272579.
  • Church Administrator:
    Donna Luxton — 01206 243683,
    email: [email protected].
    Church Office Hours — Monday – Friday 10 am – midday.
  • Hall Bookings:
    Nicole Long—01206 240443.
  • Newsletter Editor:
    Liz Dixon
    tel: 07914 001212
    email: [email protected].
  • Website:
  • Follow us on Facebook:
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