The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 11th May 2023 with topics including:

- Appointing a Chair and Vice-Chair,
- An outline for future agendas,
- Keeping a Photographic record of Handymen’s work,
- Potential use of bollards to protect Armoury Road grass borders,
- Weed spraying in Pirie Road.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 11th May 2023 at 5.00pm in SC Mtg Rm
Members present: | John Gili-Ross (JGR via Zoom) – Chair, Harry Stone (HS), David Short (DS), Katie Pulford (KP) |
Apologies: | Manya Barrow (MB) James Owers (JO) |
1. Committee Roles
Following the re-election of councillors, Cllr. Gili-Ross was re-elected as Chair of the committee and Cllr. Pulford was elected vice Chair. It was agreed that Cllr. Short would be note taker at future meetings.
2. Committee Agenda
Following some discussion, it was agreed that for future meetings of the committee, an agenda would be presented to the Clerk to the Council at least three days prior to each meeting of the committee so that said agenda could be entered into the public domain in accordance with statutory regulations. The format of the agenda would include the following general headings:
- Welcome
- Actions from previous meeting
- Handymen’s report
- Proposed changes to the Environment / Highways
- Future Environment / Highways plans
3. Handymen’s report:
A photographic record will continue to be kept of all works carried out which may previously have fallen under the Devolution heading. The record is placed on the “Men at Work” WhatsApp group.
Grass cutting is underway.
One of the blowers became unserviceable and has been handed to repaired by Karl Chisnall.
The recently installed signs in Mumford Close have been lowered as previously agreed and the vandalised signs on Poor’s land have been re-installed.
The inspection of the play equipment on the Lorkin Daniell Field will be carried out on 17th. May at 0900 hrs. by ROSPA and Simon will attend. ROSPA will provide us with a template for any future inspections.
It has been proposed to install posts in front of the memorial plinth to prevent further damage by vehicles. This matter still under discussion.
4. Hedging at the blue bridge entrance to the village
The growth of the beech trees is very feeble and it was proposed to supplement the hedge with an additional species. This matter remains under discussion.
5. Greensward at Armoury Road
The proposed installation of preventative measures relating to parking on ECC land adjacent to the junction of Armoury Rd. and Colchester Rd. was discussed. A plan has been prepared by Cllr. Owers and remains under discussion.
6. Grass Cutting
Grass mowing around the school entrance has been noted to clash with school leaving time and it was agreed that the area would not be mowed in future between 1400 and 1600 hrs.
7. Spraying in Pirie Road
The complaint about spraying of weed killer in Pirie Rd has been investigated but the spraying does not appear to have been carried out by WBPC but instead by Colchester City Council.
8. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 8th June 2023, at 5pm in the SC Meeting Room.