Day 114 since Lockdown – the ‘Swift’ edition

New playground equipment

SwiftDay 114 since Lockdown

On day 114 we get an update on the village’s Swift project.  In other news:


Installing Swift Boxes

This summer, villagers may have noticed an increase in the numbers of swifts wheeling about at speed, high up in the sky with their unmistakable scythe shaped wings and forked tail.

Thanks to funding received last year, we are now in the process of installing a total of 32 swift nest boxes at various sites around the village. As well as Orpen Hall and Heathlands School, eight private households are also taking part.

Continue reading “Day 114 since Lockdown – the ‘Swift’ edition”

Erle Havard Play Area Consultation

Erle Havard Play Area Consultation

Erle Havard Play Area ConsultationErle Havard Play Area Consultation

Colchester Borough Homes is planning to upgrade the Erle Havard Play Area this year and are consulting on  5 options.  You can see some simple illustrations of the five options on their website at and, on that same page, click on your preferred option.

The deadline for responses is 24th January so is looming; there is no constraint on who can vote so an opportunity to get the kids involved!

See the result here.


Environment & Highways – 14th February 2019


Environment & Highways – 14th February 2019

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th February and discussed play equipment, village of the year competition, tree replacement, allotments & much more.

Environment Committee Minutes

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 14th February 2019 in Social Club meeting room

Committee members present: Philip Spencer, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Harry Stone, David Short
Apologies: John Gili-Ross

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 14th February 2019”

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