St Mary’s News – A Month of Light, Love and New Beginnings

This month’s news with Revd Emma’s Message on the a Month of Light, Love & New Beginnings. Following this you can find out about:
- The King’s Ridge Parishes Big Breakfast,
- A Wedding Celebration Service,
- News of Lent Lunches,
- A Thank You from the FiSH Team,
- World Day of Prayer, and
… the usual listings of services and contacts.
Message from Revd Emma – February: A Month of Light, Love, and New Beginnings
As February unfolds, we find ourselves moving further into the promise of lighter days and the hope of new growth. Winter may still hold a chill in the air, but beneath the surface, life is stirring. Snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are beginning to pierce through the earth, their delicate heads reaching for the sun. It’s a reminder that even in the coldest of seasons, new life is emerging, and God’s creative power is at work in the world around us.
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