St Mary’s News – The Month of Light Edition

St Mary’s News – A Month of Light, Love and New Beginnings

A month of light reflecting the John 1:5 quote

This month’s news with Revd Emma’s Message on the a Month of Light, Love & New Beginnings.  Following this you can find out about:

… the usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Revd Emma – February: A Month of Light, Love, and New Beginnings

As February unfolds, we find ourselves moving further into the promise of lighter days and the hope of new growth.  Winter may still hold a chill in the air, but beneath the surface, life is stirring.  Snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are beginning to pierce through the earth, their delicate heads reaching for the sun.  It’s a reminder that even in the coldest of seasons, new life is emerging, and God’s creative power is at work in the world around us.

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St Mary’s News – The Light Edition

St Mary’s News – The Light of the World

A lit candle

This month’s news with Revd Anne’s New Years Message on the Light of the World.  Following this you can find out about:

… the usual listings of services and contacts.

Christmas Message from Revd Anne – The Light of the World


The shortest day in 2024 was 21st December and since then the days have been getting longer and we’ll get more daylight each day until we reach the longest day in June.  During these sometimes gloomy months bulbs that start flowering early, such as snowdrops, crocus and hyacinths, grow away in the dark, pushing their way through the cold soil, until they reach the light and give us the joy of seeing their flowers.

Keep warm together

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Candlelight Carol Service at the Old Church

Join the Friends of St Mary’s at their Candlelight Carol Service

Once again the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church are holding a Candlelight Carol Service in the Old Church. The Friends look forward to welcoming you back on Sunday 15th December at 2:30 pm.

The service is free and open to all and there’s now dedicated car parking opposite the church.  One of St Mary’s ministers will lead the service.

The Friends are also looking for someone to pump the church organ during the service, so if anyone is interested please contact Nicole Long on 01206 240443.

Dress for the weather!

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St Mary’s News – The Perfect Gift Edition

St Mary’s News – The Perfect Gift

This month’s news with Revd Heather’s Christmas Message on the Perfect Gift.  Following this you can find out abougt:

… the usual listings of services and contacts.

Christmas Message from Revd Heather – The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift

As I write this, it is the 11th November, Remembrance Day. Yesterday in our churches, we remembered, lest we forget, the sacrifice of so many that we might know peace and freedom in our time. But as is always the way, the world is pushing us on, and we are being bombarded by Christmas adverts on the television and through social media. It seems hard to imagine, that we could ever forget that Christmas is coming.

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Fungi Hunt 2024

A dry, still, November Saturday morning saw 15 enthusiastic people come together at St Mary’s Old Church.  They had come from as far away as Chelmsford to enjoy our now annual guided ‘fungi hunt’ walk.  This year they were led by one who set their level of expectations by confirming that as there are over 15,000 species of fungi in the UK, he had no intention of being dogmatic in any identifications.  He was working on the principal that anything found, if eaten, would cause severe illness or even death! (You’re not getting the writer into a Coroner’s Court.)

First Finds

So, on that basis we started in the Church graveyard where we found numerous Waxcaps (probably Golden Waxcaps).

Waxcup Fungus
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Autumn Flowers and Fungi

Join the Friends of Hillhouse Wood to Hunt for Fungi

Wrinkled Peach fungi
Wrinkled Peach Fungi seen last year

The Friends will be going on a “fungus hunt” to seek out elusive fungi next Saturday 16th. They will aim to find a variety of mushrooms and toadstools in and around the wood, and explain something of their fascinating life cycles and why fungi are essential for a healthy woodland. They will also keep an eye out for visiting winter birds.

Nearly 20 hunters scoured the woods, hedgerows and fields last year and were rewarded with some stunning finds. You can see the report, including a video slideshow of their finds, here.

The walk will start at the Old Church, leaving at 10am on Saturday 16th November.  The walk will take in Hillhouse Wood and surrounding hedgerows. You should wear strong boots or wellies, as you may encounter wet conditions underfoot !

Read on for a report from the last guided walk on 28th September.

Autumn Fruits Walk 2024 did better with flowers! – Steve Hallam Reports

Some Autumn Fruits sightings from 2023

Nearly 50 Species!

Eight of us scoured Hillhouse Wood and surrounding fields for evidence of nature’s bounty. We were rewarded by finding nearly fifty species of plants showing fruits or flowers. However, I believe that this walk is arguably mis-named, in that we usually see more flowers than fruits. This proved to be the case again this year.

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St Mary’s News – The Change in the Seasons Edition

St Mary’s News – Change in the Seasons, Harvest & Halloween

We start with Revd. Anne’s message this month which reflects on the Change in the Seasons. This is followed by:

Harvest bounty

… the usual listings of services and contacts.

Enjoying the Change in the Seasons

It’s that time of year again – a sense of slowing down, of conserving energy – a pause perhaps in the busyness of life. 

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Cycling ‘Join a Ride’ Leader & Route Announced


Following a recent meeting with Zoe Swainston, British Cycling Community Coach based at Northern Gateway, we are delighted that she has volunteered her services to lead our proposed ride around the West Bergholt area.

A suggested route is shown below.  This would potentially consist of two rides, including a shorter route for families, depending on demand. More information will be available in a few weeks, so please sign up below if you are interested in joining us.

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