Environment & Highways – 8th June 2023

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th June 2023 with topics including:

Environment image to accompany 8th June 2023 minutes.  Bee on thistle.
  • Appointing Transport and Public Rights of Way Representatives,
  • An update on Handymen including a number of relatively minor issues to rectify in the playground following ROSPA inspection also some concerns about mowers, truck and other equipment,
  • Progress on wildlife areas on parish council owned land,
  • Discussion of a tree inspection with some mixed news,
  • The condition of village ponds,
  • How to continue undertaking some local works given the cessation of the Essex Highways Devolution scheme.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 8th June 2023 at 5.00pm in SC Mtg Rm

Members present:Katie Pulford (KP), Harry Stone (HS), Manya Barrow (MB), James Owers (JO) & David Short (DS),

1.   Welcome & Apologies

Apologies from Cllr John Gili-Ross.

2.   Declarations of Interests


3.   Minutes & actions from previous meeting

No amendments.

4.   Public participation

No members of the public in attendance.

5.   Appointments

Cllr Barrow was asked to stand as Transport Representative and agreed, seconded by JO. Cllr Gili-Ross volunteered to continue standing as Public Rights of Way Representative and was seconded by JO. Therefore:

  • Cllr Manya Barrow – Transport Representative
  • Cllr John Gili-Ross – Public Rights of Way Representative

6.   Handymen’s report:

Report received from JGR in his absence:

Simon (Handyman) agreed to be responsible for the actions stemming from the ROSPA report.  He met with the inspector on the day, which from the report suggests that some work is required but no urgent action is necessary requiring closure of any item of equipment. Under his guidance the work will be undertaken by the handymen, which all felt was within their capability to rectify according to the report observations. Most of the work involves the replacement of worn shackles, setting the swing seat heights to the recommended levels and adjusting supporting links that have moved from their optimum position (rope swing). JGR will check the work when complete to ensure it meets the resolution outcomes from the report.

Simon has attended the Routine Playground Inspection course and now feels qualified to inspect the Parish Council’s equipment on a weekly basis (takes c.15 mins) and record the work. The record sheets will be given to the Parish Clerk and kept in the Parish Office.

The truck is suffering from two issues. The driver seat belt system is in need of replacement. It locks but is very difficult to unlock. Nigel (Handyman) will investigate a replacement. Above 30mph the steering appears to shake which may be due to wheel imbalance or another type of steering issue. The truck will be taken to Wormingford for assessment.

The Ride-on Mower has been repaired and returned and mowing continues as required across the village. The ride-on had a steering problem and new parts were ordered and fitted. The original Stihl blower was taken away by the new contractor, Karl Chisnall, to assess whether it can be repaired using non-OEM parts. This is now back in operation and although it is not in perfect running order it is currently a working spare. If it fails again then it will be withdrawn from use and made available for spare parts. The Clerk will receive invoices for the repairs in due course. Matt (Handyman) is the main user of the ride-on and he reports that it is beginning to leave an uncut channel between the blades. Karl has already warned that new blades will be needed shortly.

Whilst the ride-on has proven its value it is now clear that it has limitations with respect to the manner in which it is used across the village.  It is designed to meet the needs of a large residential property and is far from ideal for the needs of the village. The Committee will need to consider the purchase of a motorised gang mower (or similar) to supplement the work requirement. The availability and cost for a suitable used gang type mower will be explored.

The growing season is well underway and the new wildlife refuge area by the Mumford Close green is now well established and full of wild flowers.  Time is needed to see how this area will develop naturally.

The handymen have been reminded not to cut the grassed area on the inside of the LD field to the hedge rows to help clearly establish a wildlife refuge on the edge of the entire LD field. JGR has gone over the width of the refuge and will monitor it during future months. The refuge will be between 1 and 2 metres in width.

Nigel has carried out a tree inspection with a professional and a report will be produced which JGR has agreed to go over with him at the appropriate time. He has warned that some trees are in need of work and some that may need to be cut down. This is just an early warning as there may be a call on additional funding to meet any tree remedial work.

In addition to the above, the new trees planted last year all appear healthy and thriving.

Nigel has made a loading ramp to help place the manual mowers onto the truck without having to lift them in. The materials used are wooden pallets and wood in the store that is surplus to requirement. The Clerk has been asked to order some bungees suitable for securing the ramp to the side of the truck when not in use.

JO suggested swapping in the van & mower and replacing them with a more versatile small tractor with attachments which could replace the two. MB suggested a local company Cautrac as a good supplier of tractors. It was general consensus that the Committee need to look for a replacement for the mower.

7.   Playground inspection report

It was noted by HS and agreed by all that it was a very in-depth report and a job well done.

8.   Village ponds

JGR reported that Matt has obtained two barley bales and one has been placed in both the Lexden Road and Queen’s Head Ponds. The water levels remain low.

9.   Salt Bag Partnership 2023

JGR reported that the parish did not need any more salt as there is an adequate amount in the store. It was agreed that the parish would stay in the partnership but no more salt was needed.

10.        Proposed changes to the Environment/Highways

The amendment to the Mumford Close disabled space was noted.

11.        Future Environment/Highways plans

DS reported that the Essex Highways Devolution money was not going to be reinstated but the Parish Council was continuing to see if it could carry on the work without payment under ECC authority.

It was agreed that the Committee would continue to monitor the traffic and youth behaviour around the new fish and chip shop.

KP noted that one of the Jubilee trees on the Poor’s Land didn’t seem to be doing as well as the rest and it was suggested that the handymen could look at this, with the potential to water.

12.        Date of next meeting

Meeting closed at 5.30pm. The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 13th July 2023, at 5pm in the SC Meeting Room.

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