Harry Stone – Essex Councillor of the Year

Harry Stone Receives Prestigious Award

West Bergholt Parish Council’s own Harry Stone was presented this month with the Essex Councillor of the Year Award. Cllr Frank Belgrove, a member of the Essex Association of Local Councils‘ (EALC) Executive Committee, presented the award during the EALC’s 80th Annual General Meeting.

Harry Stone (centre) receiving the EALC Councillor of the Year Award from EALC Executive Committee member Cllr Frank Belgrove
Photo Credit – David Jackman – Everything Local News

Harry’s fellow councillors nominated him in recognition of his unwavering dedication to the Parish Council and his tireless support for the younger members of the community. His notable contributions include the establishment of the new Drop-in Café and his involvement with the BYG (Bergholt Youth Group).

Exceptional Commitment & Service

A judging panel, composed of EALC Executive Committee members, decided who should win the award. It was open to councillors from all 270 councils affiliated with the EALC. West Bergholt Parish Council expressed their pride in having such an esteemed councillor in their ranks, highlighting Harry’s exceptional commitment and service to the community.

Safe Crossing for Colchester Road

Join the fight for a safe crossing of Colchester Road!

Banner image for petition to secure a safe crossing at Colchester Road


West Bergholt Parish Council, with the support of its County Councillor Lewis Barber, has been trying since the adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan in 2019 to obtain agreement from Essex County Council to provide a crossing, of some sort, across Colchester Road. A crossing and/or traffic calming will allow residents, especially those from the new and proposed housing sites, to safely access all the village’s facilities, including children and families walking to Heathlands School. In fact, a crossing of Colchester Road and/or traffic calming was part of the Neighbourhood Plan proposals which ECC generally endorsed. Money has already been or is being collected by Colchester City Council towards the cost through s106 contributions1 from the developers of Colchester Road.

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Pylons Site Visit in West Bergholt

Say no to pylons and say yes to offshore grid

View of pylons route along Highfield Farm Valley

West Bergholt continues to actively campaign against the National Grid Pylon project as part of the Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk Pylons Group (ESN).  On Tuesday 13th February we were pleased that Cllr Brian Butcher and Parish Clerk Laura Walkingshaw were able to host a site visit from James Ryan, NSIP1 Project Manager, Colchester City Council (CCC) and CCC Cllr Sara Naylor.

Statutory Consultee

As many of you may know, the CCC are the statutory consultee on the Parish Council’s behalf to the Government on this project.  Given that, our working relationship with James and his colleagues are vital to being able to explain the impact that it will have on rural life for us and our neighbouring villages.

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Planning and Development Committee – 13th November 2023

Village envelope as depicted in the Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting on 13th November 2023. the Planning & Development Committee discussed a consultation on new parking guidance before addressing new applications. Cllr Savage was then tasked with responding to the consultation.

Four planning applications were then discussed and all of them were supported although two with a number of observations. These applications were for properties in Albany Road, Mumford Road, Hall Road and Chapel Lane.

It was also noted that two applications (one each in Nayland Road & New Church Road) had now been reviewed by CCC who supported the Committee’s decisions.

Read the official minutes below:

Planning and Development Committee Meeting

Meeting held on Monday 13th November 2023 at 7.30pm in the John Lampon Hall

It is the aim of the Parish Council to seek a high standard of design for all new developments and extensions in the Village.

The Parish Council will take into account the Village Design Statement, the West Bergholt Neighbourhood Plan, Government National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and CBC Planning Policies when commenting on individual applications.

Planning Committee Members:

Cllrs Bob Tyrrell (Chair), Sara Cullis (Vice Chair), Andrew Savage, Brian Butcher, Paul Chamberlain

Also in attendance:

Julie Gillott (Asst Clerk), and one member of the public

Agenda items:

1.   Welcome & Apologies for absence:


2.   Declarations of interest:


3.   Minutes & actions from previous meeting

Previous minutes were agreed with no amendments, and no actions required.

4.   Public participation and to receive any pre-application representations.

No pre-applications presented, and no input from the member of public.

5.   To discuss Essex Planning Officers Association (EPOA) Parking Guidance Consultation Notification.

EPOA Parking Guidance Consultation Notification

The EPOA Parking Guidance Consultation Notification was discussed by the committee.

The following action was Proposed by Cllr Butcher Seconded by Cllr Cullis, and agreed:

ACTION:  Cllr Savage will go online and comment on behalf of West Bergholt Parish Council Planning and Development Committee.

6.   Planning applications:

232406  62 Albany Road, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3LD

Two storey rear extension and front porch.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment.

Decision: Support

232398 108 Mumford Road, West Bergholt CO6 3BN

Proposed garage conversion

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided not to comment

Decision: Support

232435 Church Cottage, Hall Road, West Bergholt CO6 3DU

Loft conversion and other internal alterations along with the addition of a pool house to main house. Erection of an outbuilding consisting of a car barn, workshop, home office, kitchenette and bedroom on the first floor.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application with the following comments:

  • The variation from the previous application of the pitch to the roof gable at the side is out of keeping with the rest of the property.
  • The ribbon windows should be unopenable.
  • The Annex/car barn should be ancillary to the main building, and used solely by people associated with, and users of, the main dwelling, nor should it be sold or let separately to the main dwelling.
  • There is no roof plan indicating the need for the roof lights in the main house.

Decision: Support

232383 The Church Hall, Chapel Lane, West Bergholt Colchester CO6 3JG

Change of use of the church hall to a day nursery. The change will be 2 internal stud walls to create different rooms for 0 – 1-year-olds, 1 – 3-year-olds and 3 and over year-olds. A secure play area will be taken from the adjacent blue area.

Comment: Having considered all the details of this application, the Parish Council has decided to support the application in principle. However, they feel the following areas should be given further consideration: 

  • There should be adequate prevention of noise pollution as a possible nuisance to neighbours.
  • The adequacy of parking on site and site access.
  • The lack of footpath in Chapel Lane for direct pedestrian access from Chapel Road.

Decision: Support

7.   Planning Decisions:

230874Oaklands, Nayland Road, West Bergholt Essex CO6 3DG18/09/23 Removal of Conservatory and Part removal of existing dwelling to allow for New 2 Storey Extension25/10/23Refused on appeal
2319118 New Church Road, West Bergholt Essex CO6 3JF18/09/23ObjectionErection of a timber pre-fabricated single storey granny annexe24/10/23Approved

8.   Date of next meeting:

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 18th December in the John Lampon Hall, Lexden Road, CO6 3BW.

The meeting closed at: 8.10pm

Essex Waste Strategy

Essex Waste Strategy 2023

Essex Waste Strategy Flyer

If you already know what you want to say then jump to the how to respond section.

Councils across Essex are working together to develop a new Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for the next 30 years. They developed the previous strategy in 2007, and much has changed since then, including the significant climate change challenge that we now face.

Waste management is a major contributor to climate change, accounting for about 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK. Improving environmental efficiency by making different choices about how we collect and treat waste will help reduce these emissions. Waste prevention can also deliver benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors, such as agriculture, transport and manufacturing.

New Strategy

The new strategy will focus on the following key elements:

Continue reading “Essex Waste Strategy”

Environment & Highways – 8th June 2023

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th June 2023 with topics including:

Environment image to accompany 8th June 2023 minutes.  Bee on thistle.
  • Appointing Transport and Public Rights of Way Representatives,
  • An update on Handymen including a number of relatively minor issues to rectify in the playground following ROSPA inspection also some concerns about mowers, truck and other equipment,
  • Progress on wildlife areas on parish council owned land,
  • Discussion of a tree inspection with some mixed news,
  • The condition of village ponds,
  • How to continue undertaking some local works given the cessation of the Essex Highways Devolution scheme.

Environment Committee Minutes

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 8th June 2023”

Steve Hallam leads Big County Birdwatch on a Dawn Walk

Once again, Steve Hallam led a successful Dawn Chorus walk through Hillhouse Wood on 6th May.  This year it was one of 19 bird walks taking place in Essex over the Coronation weekend. 

Steve Hallam reports:

Well, it looks as if I must have done the odd good thing in a previous life.  Despite the distinctly dodgy weekend weather forecast, we had a lovely morning for our 2023 Dawn Chorus walk.  Not that we could see this of course, at 03.45, but at least we knew we’d be staying dry.  A nice number of 14 people also turned out, despite the distraction of a certain Royal event later that morning.  Also different this year was that we had folded the walk into the programme of The Big County Birdwatch, organised by the Essex Birdwatching Society.  This had been moved to take place in Spring, rather than Autumn.  It was pleasing to welcome EBWS people to the walk.

Continue reading “Steve Hallam leads Big County Birdwatch on a Dawn Walk”

Walk the Dawn Chorus 2023

Dawn Chorus 2023 with Friends of Hillhouse Wood

Swift in flight

The Dawn Chorus Walk 2023 is taking place on a busy weekend with Bird walks all across Essex. It will form part of the “Big County Birdwatch ’23” which being organised by the Essex Birdwatching Society. First, though, a report by Steve Hallam on the recent Spring Flower Walk at Hillhouse Wood.

Click here if you want to jump to the bird walks.

Spring Flower Dilemma


It is always a dilemma as to which date to set for the Spring Flowers walk. This is because the timing of when the various species flower can vary considerably between early and late seasons.  This year I anticipated that the season would be early – so naturally it has been late.  The solution was obvious, and so the ‘Bluebell’ walk was re-christened as a ‘Spring flowers’ one.  The forecast for the afternoon was either for sunny periods or rain showers, depending on which forecaster you looked at.  Either way, undaunted, a pleasingly large group of 22 assembled at the appointed hour and starting point. 

Continue reading “Walk the Dawn Chorus 2023”

Cleaner/Caretaker Vacancy & Other News

Other News

The first item is about the Cleaner/Caretaker role but, if other news interests you, skip to it with these links:

Orpen Hall Needs a Cleaner/Caretaker

A Cleaner/Caretaker is required for the Orpen Hall Complex, Lexden Rd, West Bergholt.

This is a permanent position, based at the Orpen Memorial Hall for up to 16 hours a week on average. Exact cleaning times will be agreed with the Hall Administrator but will typically be:

Continue reading “Cleaner/Caretaker Vacancy & Other News”

News Update – the Voter ID Edition

Voter ID, Roadworks & Odd Smells

Voter ID now required to vote

First, Voter ID, but if you want to skip to A12 Roadworks starting on 4th February, click this link. If you want to see where all upcoming roadworks are visit this page on our website. If you are wondering what the unusual smell is click this link.

Photographic Voter ID Now Required

The Council Elections taking place on 4th May 2023 will be the first at which registered electors will need to show an approved Photo ID in order to vote. If you don’t have a valid ID you can apply for a free Voter ID Card.

Your Photo ID doesn’t have to still be ‘in date’ as long as it still looks like you so expired Passports etc… can still be used.

Continue reading “News Update – the Voter ID Edition”
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