St Mary’s News – The Oaks & Acorns Edition

Oaks & Acorns

St Mary’s News – Mighty Oaks & Acorns

This Oaks & Acorns edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather’s message about sowing seeds and the relation that has with the Resurrection; it then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Heather Wilcox

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

It’s that time of year once again, when I, along with many other amateur gardeners, disappear for short periods of time into the sanctuary of my greenhouse and in faith set out row upon row of pots, fill them with compost and then place little tiny seeds into the soil, water them, and then patiently, or not so patiently, wait in anticipation that something will happen.  That by some small miracle, the seed, which to all appearances was lifeless, will spring into life, and ultimately produce a plant, which will go on to produce enough tomatoes, courgettes, butternut squashes, cucumbers, or whatever else has been sown, to keep us well fed with fresh vegetables for several months to come.

Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians

It is this image of the bare seed, that Paul uses in his letter to the Corinthians, to help people to understand what our resurrection bodies will be like, Paul says:

Someone will ask, ‘how are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?’ Fool! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. And as for what you sow, you do not sow the body that is to be, but the bare seed, perhaps of wheat or of some other grain. But God gives it a body as he has chosen, and to each kind of seed its own body.

So it is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15: 36-44

Paul tells us that our resurrection bodies will be so much more than our current physical bodies, just as the seed that we plant, becomes so much more, as from it grows the plant that is to be.   

Resurrection of Christ


We have just celebrated Easter and, in the church, will be in the Easter season until the middle of May, as we remember Jesus’ resurrection following the crucifixion, and all that Jesus has done for us so that our sins might be forgiven, and so that we can have eternal life. We remember and celebrate, that we can live into our full potential, and inhabit our resurrection bodies.

As we emerge into spring, with the abundance of new life all around us, may we be filled with resurrection hope and the promise of new and eternal life in our saviour Jesus Christ.

May God Bless you this Easter time,
 Reverend Heather

The Bible Course

Bible Course logo

Thursday Evenings Starting at the Rectory on 18 April @ 7.30pm

The Bible Course is an 8 week course that offers a superb overview of the Bible, using short videos by Dr Andrew Ollerton, which gives plenty of time for discussion.

To ensure we have enough handbooks for every participant, please let Heather know if you are planning to attend via [email protected] or 01206 240906.

Upcoming Events

Regular Events

You are warmly invited to join us at any of our regular events in the church hall:

  • Saturday Café @ St Mary’s—6 April & 4 May
    10am-12pm—Bacon butties, cakes, board games, a craft for children & weekend newspapers.
  • Storytime—20 April @ 6pm
    A story, songs and hot chocolate for families with young children. Children can come in their pyjamas!
  • Coffee Morning—10-11.30am Thursdays in term times
  • 5Ts fellowship group—2.30pm Thursdays
  • Food in School Holidays Club (FiSH)—Tues 2 & Mon 8 April—11.30am-2pm
    Please book via the parish office—see contact details below.

The Big Church Spring Clean

Spring cleaning a church

Taking place on Saturday 20 April @ 10am-12 noon, all are welcome as we give the church a good spring clean. Bring along any equipment that you might find useful. Refreshments will be served.

Annual Church Meeting

This will take place on Sunday 21st April after the Scout Parade, this should be approx.11am.

The meeting is open to all, and is an opportunity to find out more about what the PCC (the Church Council) have been doing and for the election of churchwardens and PCC members.  Refreshments will be served before the meeting.

Money raised from Lent Lunches

Thank you to everyone who hosted the Lent soup lunches or who came along and donated to local charity Korban each week.

So far, nearly £700 has been raised! But there is still time to make a donation towards this valuable work via the Parish Office. Thank you!

Evening Worship

5pm Sun 14 April

A new service for those who would like a quieter, more contemplative service, in the early evening. Join us on the 14th April to find out more; there will be a light supper served after the service.


7 April9.30amHoly Communion
14 April9.30amMessy Church
 5.00pmNew Evening Worship Service
21 April9.30amScout Parade & Annual Church Meeting
28 April9.30amHoly Communion (no café church)

Our Team at St Mary’s

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