St Mary’s News – The Oaks & Acorns Edition

Oaks & Acorns

St Mary’s News – Mighty Oaks & Acorns

This Oaks & Acorns edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Heather’s message about sowing seeds and the relation that has with the Resurrection; it then continues with:

The usual listings of services and contacts.

Message from Rev Heather Wilcox

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow

It’s that time of year once again, when I, along with many other amateur gardeners, disappear for short periods of time into the sanctuary of my greenhouse and in faith set out row upon row of pots, fill them with compost and then place little tiny seeds into the soil, water them, and then patiently, or not so patiently, wait in anticipation that something will happen.  That by some small miracle, the seed, which to all appearances was lifeless, will spring into life, and ultimately produce a plant, which will go on to produce enough tomatoes, courgettes, butternut squashes, cucumbers, or whatever else has been sown, to keep us well fed with fresh vegetables for several months to come.

Continue reading “St Mary’s News – The Oaks & Acorns Edition”

St Mary’s News – The Lambing Edition

Revd. Emma Barr is used to lambing - seen here with one of her lambs
Revd. Emma Barr & Lamb

St Mary’s News – Lambing & Flocks

This Lambing edition of St Mary’s News starts with Revd. Emma Bar’s seasonal message about God’s Beloved Flock and then continues with:

Message from Revd. Emma Barr

God’s Beloved Flock

Spring is making an attack on winter with the now lighter mornings and drawn out evenings, something I always rejoice at as we are in the middle of lambing and it makes it so much easier and cheerier having light.

This year with 103 ewes scanned in lamb we were set for a busy time. It is always a time of waiting and watching, with excitement and anticipation knowing there will be the amazing success stories of lambs being adopted to other mothers and little ones making it against all the odds, but as with all things there are also the sad stories of loss.

Continue reading “St Mary’s News – The Lambing Edition”

Day 112 after (loose) Lockdown – St Mary’s Update

K Augustine Tanner-Ihm

St Mary the VirginDay 112 after (loose) Lockdown

On Day 112 since Lockdown started St Mary’s issue the latest edition of their News Update, topics addressed include:

It also provides listings of services and contacts but first, about reopening… Continue reading “Day 112 after (loose) Lockdown – St Mary’s Update”

Zoom Visit from Cambodia – St Mary’s News Update

The McCann's work in Cambodia

OMF - missions in CambodiaZoom Visit from Cambodia

This coming weekend, St Mary’s congregation will be joined by the McCann family on a home visit from Cambodia. They have been serving as missionaries there for 3 years.

This update starts with a message from Revd. Mandy Elmes and also includes details of how to access Zoom services,  listings of services and contacts.  There is also a sprinkle of humour.

Message from Revd Mandy

Jesus ascended

On Ascension Day, I received a post on the West Bergholt WhatsApp chat group which said

“Ascension Day is when Jesus started working from home!” Continue reading “Zoom Visit from Cambodia – St Mary’s News Update”

Day 39 of Lockdown – the St Mary’s May edition

VE-Day 75th Anniversary Stamp

Clowns humour by Manny Francisco in ManilaDay 39 of Lockdown

Our day 39 update starts with St Mary’s May edition of their news which includes a message from Revd Mandy Elmes and details of how to access services online.  Other updates include:

St Mary’s Update

This update starts with a message from Revd. Mandy Elmes and also includes details of how to access Zoom services,  Continue reading “Day 39 of Lockdown – the St Mary’s May edition”

Rise! World Day of Prayer – St Mary’s News Update


Rise! Take your mat & walk

Rise! World Day of Prayer

Rise! is the topic of the World Day of Prayer this year as discussed in St Mary’s latest edition of their News Update.  Other topics addressed include:

It also provides listings of services and contacts but first, “Rise! Take your mat & walk”. Continue reading “Rise! World Day of Prayer – St Mary’s News Update”

Saying “Yes to Life” – St Mary’s News Update

#Live Lent - Care for God's Creation

#Live Lent - Care for God's CreationSaying “Yes to Life”

This edition of St Mary’s News reports on a course focussed on environmental issues, tidying the churchyard, Rise! world day of prayer, 5Ts Lunch, and also provides listings of services and contacts but first, “Yes to Life”.

Saying “Yes to Life”

Environmental issues are at the forefront of everyone’s minds today.  In our Lent Course for 2020 we will be taking a fresh look at Continue reading “Saying “Yes to Life” – St Mary’s News Update”

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