The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th March 2015 when they discussed a range of issues including village handymen, beacon, potholes, dog poo and footways.
Environment & Highways Report
Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2015 in John Lampon Hall
Councillors present | Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Rosemary James |
Apologies | Rachel Howard, Murray Harlow. |
1 | Village Handyman | |
Road signs have been cleaned by Steve. Harry has held a Performance review with Steve.Ivor is arranging to cut the hedge at the Methodist Church. | HS | |
2 | Traffic Safety Plan | |
All proposed yellow lines and road signs and 20mph limits have been signed off. The yellow lines apparently will be done in April and the speed limit signage in July. | ||
3 | Potholes | |
Potholes and surface problems in Chitts Hill highlighted. Ask for resurfacing in the future.Potholes and surfacing in New Church Road needs attention.Hall Road problems have been somewhat alleviated by hedging and ditching. Potholes need attention. The road leading up to the Old Church would benefit from the sweeper. | HS | |
5 | Dog fouling | |
A dog bin has been ordered for the Brewery site. An item for the March Bulletin has been sent in encouraging dog walkers to help keep the village clean.Phil will meet with Marcus and the dog warden on Friday 13th to discuss problems. | PW | |
6 | Beacon | |
Steve is arranging for a pole to be bought and the sign will be placed near the Village sign at the area adjacent to junction of Chapel Road and Colchester Road. Ivor to be asked to assist Steve with transporting beacon to the site. Brian Butcher to monitor site for placement. | HS & BB | |
7 | Areas of work in village | |
Agreed to produce a map showing sites of our responsibility in the village. | HS | |
8 | Footways in village | |
A resident has proposed that a footway along the Nayland Road would make it safer for children walking to school. It seems unlikely that money will be available for this as a project. | ||
9 | Grit spreader | |
Although the grit spreader has not been required for snow clearance this year, it is not functioning efficiently. Harry to contact Tuckwells for solving the problem. | HS | |
Date of next meeting – to be notified | ||