Holy Week 2015
As we approach Easter there are a lot of services taking place in West Bergholt during Holy Week leading up to Easter and of course for Easter itself. Services will be taking pace in both the Methodist and St Mary’as Churches, those we are aware of to date are:
At the Methodist Church the following services are taking place, all to be led by Rev Ruth Ridge:-
- Friday 3 April – Good Friday -11.00am service.
- Saturday 4 April – 8.00pm a short reflective service.
- Sunday 5 April – Easter Day – 11.00am service with Holy Communion.
St Mary’s
- Sunday 29 March – Palm Sunday – 9.30am Joint Holy Communion Service.
- Thursday 2 April – Maundy Thursday – 8pm Passover Meal and Communion Service. Please could you let Dorothy Chadborn know if you would like to come so that she knows how many to cook for (there is a list in church or you can phone her on 240541).
- Saturday 4 April – Family Fun Easter Eggstravaganza – 10-12 noon – there will lots of activities for Children and their parents to enjoy, including a prayer station.
- Sunday 5 April – Easter Sunday – 9.30am Family Holy Communion Service led by Rev Mandy Elmes.
Colchester Service
Friday 3 April – Good Friday at the Mercury Theatre – @ 7.30pm – A time to reflect through music and word, led by the Bishop of Colchester, Rt Rev Roger Morris
Everyone is welcome to any or all (!) of the above services.