Environment & Highways – 14th June 2024

Queens Head Pond - topic on 14th June 2024

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th June 2024 with topics including:

  • Appointment of officers,
  • Handyman update including:
    • Grass cutting,
    • Applications for the Handyman vacancy,
    • Preparations for D-Day commemorations,
    • Preparations for the Annual Fete.
  • Ponds,
  • Playground inspection, and
  • Potholes.

Environment Committee Minutes

Meeting held on Thurs 14th June 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm

Continue reading “Environment & Highways – 14th June 2024”

Environment & Highways 8th September 2022

Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 8th September 2022

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th September 2022 with topics including:

  • Cessation of Highways Devolution project,
  • Parking signs at Poor’s Land,
  • Blocked gullies & Hillhouse Wood footpaths needing to be attended by ECC,
  • Repairs undertaken to the Beacon and handymen’s truck, and
  • A few items relating to trees, hedges and bracken.

Environment Committee Minutes

Continue reading “Environment & Highways 8th September 2022”

Environment & Highways 14th April 2022

Highlights of Environment & Highways Meeting on 14th April 2022

Bluebells - Environment = April 2022

The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th April 2022 with topics including:

  • More new trees,
  • Plaques for trees,
  • Spraying of ponds in accordance with Environment Agency process
  • Repairs to Village Sign,
  • Handymen activities including mowing & Heath &
  • Preparations for Lighting of Beacon.
Continue reading “Environment & Highways 14th April 2022”

Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Over 150 people from the village gathered on the evening of 11th November to play their part in a nationwide “Battle’s Over” commemoration.  This nationwide event was marking the ending of the 1st World War 100 years ago.

The commemoration saw a common theme being played out in urban and rural areas, towns, villages and cities.  Collectively a 1000 buglers were sounding the Last Post, over 1000 beacons of light being ignited;  a similar number of Cathedral and Church bells also rung out. Continue reading “Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions”

Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute

Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute Logo

Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute LogoBattle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute

West Bergholt is participating in the Nation’s Tribute, a nationwide Day of Commemorative Events.  It marks the Centenary of the end of the First World War and pays tribute to the millions killed or wounded in battle.  It also recognises those on the home front who struggled amidst pain and loss to help ensure freedom survived.  The event will follow a programme of activities seen in over 1,000 places around the UK. Continue reading “Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute”

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration

Queen's 90th Birthday CelebrationThe Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration

On Thursday 21st April the Parish Council have organised an evening of festivities & fun at the Orpen Memorial Hall to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.  Kicking off at 3:30pm with a birthday tea, the evening culminates in the lighting of the Queen’s Beacon and a Firework Display.

If the weather’s good why not bring your own Picnic Blanket & Deckchairs!  Red, White & Blue clothing is encouraged with a Prize for the Best Fancy Dress.

The full schedule is:

  • 15:30 – A Birthday Tea for Young & Old.
  • 17:00 – Balloon Race – whose will travel the furthest?
  • 17:30 – Live Music, Food, Drink, Inflatables (weather permitting), Photo Booth and Film Show.
  • 20:00 – Lighting of the Queen’s Beacon.
  • 20:15 – Firework finale.

Free of charge admission tickets for the birthday tea are available from Heathlands School, Bluebells Pre-School, the Co‑op & West Bergholt Pharmacy.  Please contact the Heathlands PTA directly for tickets for the Balloon Race.

For more details please contact the Parish Clerk on 07726 424419.

Environment & Highways – 12th November 2015

The Environment & Highways  Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th November 2015 and discussed a range of issues including traffic safety, handyman work, grass & hedge cutting, Poors Land, Allotments, Fireworks, Playground & budget.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 12th November 2015 in Main Hall

Councillors present John Gili Ross, Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Murray Harlow, Rosemary James
Apologies None

In attendance: –  Phil Spencer, David Short.


New drain on Heath

ECC has put in a new water feed leading from the school to entrance at New Church Road. There is concern that the infilled area might be affected by sinkage in the future. We need to be aware that ECC would be responsible if this occurs. Parish Clerk


Matters arising from last meeting

a)   Traffic Safety Plan – resurfacing of New Church Road and School Road completed and yellow lines reinstated. Notices for proposal for 20mph   in New Church Road and School Road are posted.  
b)  Plinth for beacon to be built by Ivor when he returns from holiday. JGR
c)  Copy of Environment Terms of Reference to this sub-committee members. JGR
d)  The agreed Handyman work schedule is working well. A contract for  David Hewitt has been drawn up and is with the Finances Committee.

It has been agreed that we need another part time Handyman. An Advertisement needs to be put out locally when details of job and pay are agreed.

Agenda Item


e)  All grass and hedge cutting to Parish Council Land has been completed.

The area of scrub at the bottom end of the Lorkin Daniell field needs  learing back to tree line. Quotes needed for this.

f)   Purchase of wheelie bin for use at practice goal area is with Marcus Harrington. JC
g)  Pond clearing by TCV is in progress. They have completed their work on Hall Road and Lexden Road ponds. Hall Road Pond still looks rather neglected and there is a fallen tree laying over from the back of the Pond. Norhurst to remove the waste. The work on Queens Road pond will be carried out by TCV on November 19th.  JC
h)  It was suggested that we review alternative approaches to treating the ponds as there are new technics being implemented and used on golf courses and farm land.  Phil Spencer has expertise in this area. All


Poors Land

Finger posts on Poors Land have been repaired by Handyman.


Highway Rangers

Request to Highway Rangers to be sent regarding hedges overhanging footways. LW



Harry reported from Allotment Committee. Decision taken to increase fees by £1 for all plot holders. Discussion will take place in the future regarding fees to full plot holders and concessions to consider ways to charge more fairly for the rents HS


Firework Display

The Fireworks were successful and the area of Poors Land has been tidied and cleared.


Chitts Hill

Hedges along this narrow road need attention. Suggest letters need to be sent to hedge owners reminding them of their responsibilities. LW


Playground equipment

Roundabout problems have been rectified as far as possible. Repairs are needed to post areas of climbing frame. Village handyman to purchase filler and carry out necessary work. Repairs to other areas have been completed.

Black surface requires attention. Playequip are fully booked at the moment, plan to make repairs in the New Year. Laura will remind them.




Budget for next year

Andrew attended the meeting for this item. He presented a proposed budget for next year. The figures need to be with the Finance committee in November. Much discussion took place.  It was agreed to review the proposed budget and circulate to members and AS.  AS to place the revised budget into the main budget format for approval by the PC in due course JGR
Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th January 2016 at 5pm in JL Hall.
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