Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute
West Bergholt is participating in the Nation’s Tribute, a nationwide Day of Commemorative Events. It marks the Centenary of the end of the First World War and pays tribute to the millions killed or wounded in battle. It also recognises those on the home front who struggled amidst pain and loss to help ensure freedom survived. The event will follow a programme of activities seen in over 1,000 places around the UK.
- 6:00 pm – Candlelit procession from St Mary the Virgin Church to the Orpen Hall – please feel free to join us outside the church.
- 6:15 pm – Gather outside Orpen Hall on the tennis court side.
- 6:45 pm – Tribute to the Fallen – reading by Chairman Chris Stevenson.
- 6:55 pm – The Last Post will be will be played by Ozzy Baker (Year 8 member of the WB Concert Band).
- 7:00 pm – Lighting of Beacon by Cllr David Short. Over 1000 Beacons of Light symbolising an end to the darkness of war and a return to the light of peace.
- 7:05 pm – Ringing Out for Peace, New Church to ring the bell (nationwide ringing) in celebration of Peace.
There will also be
- 24 candles which will be lit in jars in front of the beacon; these represent the 24 villagers who lost their lives in the conflict.
- Teas, coffees, squash & cakes will be served out of the side of Orpen Hall from the kitchen; donations to the Poppy Appeal.
- Displays in the John Lampon Hall by WB Local History Group, Heathlands School and West Bergholt Brownies.
For fire safety reasons, parking will be limited at the Hall so please try to leave your car at home.