St Marys News – the Eco-Bronze Edition

Eco Church Bronze Award

In this edition St Mary’s looks at progress including winning the Eco Church Bronze award

After hearing about wining the Bronze Eco-Church award this edition continues with:

Eco Church – Bronze Award

We are delighted to announce that St Mary’s has achieved the Bronze Level award for the Eco Church Scheme!

Eco Church is an award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate their care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbour and following God faithfully.

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St Mary’s News – the Posada Edition

This edition of St Mary’s News starts with the Advent Experience of Posada, and continues with other news including:

The Advent Experience of Posada

Posada originates from Mexico where people dress as Mary and Joseph and re-enact the journey to Bethlehem, travelling from house to house asking for a place to stay (the word Posada means an inn). In recent years, this idea has been modified by churches in this country by sending the figures of Mary and Joseph and the donkey from house to house during Advent.

This year, we are offering the Posada experience in our village. From Sunday 27th November until Christmas Day, figures representing Mary and Joseph will travel round our community from home to home, stopping by arrangement, where there is a place for them and a warm welcome waiting.

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Remembrance & Old Church Update

Old Church Renovations YouTube presentation

Old Church Renovations YouTube presentationRemembrance & Old Church Update

Last week we announced the plans for a Remembrance Service partially in St Mary’s (socially distanced and limited numbers) with Zoom.  The new Lockdown has thwarted that and plans have changed.  We also have an update report from the Friends of St Mary’s Old Church with a video presentation to the parish council.  First, Remembrance:

Remembrance Day Events

With the new Lockdown rules, the village can now only Continue reading “Remembrance & Old Church Update”

Cakes, History, Remembrance & Fitness

Remembrance pebbles

Remembrance pebblesCakes, History, Remembrance, Fitness & St Mary’s Update – Updated for Lockdown

This news update covers several topics, starting with Cakes, History & Xmas, then covering:

First let’s find out what Cakes, History & Xmas have in common:

Cards, Cakes, History & Xmas – what’s not to like?

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St Mary’s Building Project

Remembrance poppy

St Mary the Virgin sees change in staff

St Mary’s Building Project

This edition of St Mary’s News reports on the Church’s building project, Christmas and also provides listings of services and contacts.

Prayer Weekend

Praying together is an important part of our life as a church and so we have arranged for a special prayer weekend with three opportunities to meet together to pray for our church and community:

  • Friday 1st Nov: 7.30pm—9pm—prayers by candlelight,
  • Saturday 2nd Nov: 3pm-5pm,
  • Sunday 3rd Nov: 11am-12 noon (after the morning service).


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Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions

Over 150 people from the village gathered on the evening of 11th November to play their part in a nationwide “Battle’s Over” commemoration.  This nationwide event was marking the ending of the 1st World War 100 years ago.

The commemoration saw a common theme being played out in urban and rural areas, towns, villages and cities.  Collectively a 1000 buglers were sounding the Last Post, over 1000 beacons of light being ignited;  a similar number of Cathedral and Church bells also rung out. Continue reading “Battle’s Over – West Bergholt’s Tribute to the Millions”

Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute

Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute Logo

Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute LogoBattle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute

West Bergholt is participating in the Nation’s Tribute, a nationwide Day of Commemorative Events.  It marks the Centenary of the end of the First World War and pays tribute to the millions killed or wounded in battle.  It also recognises those on the home front who struggled amidst pain and loss to help ensure freedom survived.  The event will follow a programme of activities seen in over 1,000 places around the UK. Continue reading “Battle’s Over – A Nation’s Tribute”

Friends Group Pay Respects at Daniell & Sons Memorial

Daniell & Sons Memorial

Friends Group Pay Respects at Daniell & Sons WW1 Memorial

Lacking a village war memorial, some years ago The Local History Group compiled a list of those who died in WW1; the Friends of St Mary’s had this list copied by a Calligrapher and placed in the Old Church.  It has become the Friends’ custom in recent years to gather in the Old Church to remember these fallen from the village; the bell would be rung and, Continue reading “Friends Group Pay Respects at Daniell & Sons Memorial”

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