Message from Revd Heather Wilcox, Remembrance & More

Revd Heather Wilcox introducing herself kicks off this, November, edition there is also news on:
… and the usual listings of services and contacts but first:
Let me introduce myself:

I am Heather and am married to Geraint with two adult children. Megan, who is 25, is married and living with Scott in Long Stratton where I have been serving for the last 10 years. Megan has a degree in education and is currently studying for her PGCE with the aim of becoming a Key stage 2 teacher by September.
Our son Luke is 21 and has moved with us to West Bergholt. He has finished college and has been working in various places over the last year as he finds his feet. He is a keen evangelist and recently spent a week with ‘Through Faith Missions’ in Worcestershire.
My husband Geraint has a nursing background and went back into the NHS, in April last year, as a Health Care Assistant working on the bank.
I qualified as a Registered nurse in 1993 at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kings Lynn and worked there until 2008 when I was ordained Deacon and moved to Pakefield for my curacy.
What I Love & Enjoy
I love sharing the gospel with people and reaching out to the whole community with the love of Christ. I look forward to being able to serve in these parishes over the coming years.
Whilst I am often accused of working too hard, I do enjoy other things too! I love taking walks with the family, although I have to admit not normally with the family dog Benji. Recently, I completed the couch to 5K challenge with Luke, although haven’t done very well keeping it going, and I am a keen swimmer. I also enjoy being creative and have completed many cross stitches, and recently have been teaching myself how to crochet. During the recent lockdowns, I also started jigsaw puzzles and now have quite a collection, so if anyone ever wants to borrow one, I have quite a library.
There is probably more I could say, but hopefully over the years ahead, as I look forward to getting to know everyone here, you will surely get to know me and the family more.
May God Bless you, Heather
Remembrance Sunday – 14th November

This year our village Remembrance Service will be held at St Mary’s Church, starting at 10:45 am, rather than at the Orpen Hall. The service will be led by Revd Heather Wilcox, and the West Bergholt concert band will also be taking part, as well as the scouts and guides. Please could you wear a face mask.
Please note there will be no Messy Church this month but the Messy Church team look forward to welcoming everyone back for a Messy Church Christmas on 12 December!
Welcome Service & Lunch
Our new Priest in Charge, Revd Heather Wilcox, will be licensed at a special service on Thursday 11 November St Andrew’s Church, Wormingford. Sadly this service is by invitation only, due to Covid restrictions. However, there will be a special service on Sunday 21 Nov, to which everyone from the six parishes is invited, which will be held at All Saints’ Great Horkesley @ 11am.
This will be followed by lunch for everyone at St Mary’s West Bergholt @ 1pm. You don’t need to book to attend the service but please could you let the church office know if you would like to come to the lunch so that we know how many to cater for. Numbers may have to be limited but Jo will set up a waiting list if required. A small donation of £2.50 a head would be appreciated.
Open House at the Rectory
Revd Heather has extended an open invitation to anyone from the six parishes to pop in to the Rectory between 2pm and 5pm on Sat 13 November to meet her and her family over tea and cake.
Heathlands update

Some of you may know that Gemma Ross took on the role of a school Diocese link Governor at Heathlands School last summer. She thought that the St Mary’s Church folk would appreciate an update on activities at the school:
In September, the school welcomed Joseph Fielder as the new Head Teacher. Huge thanks to Mel Cork, who did a fabulous job as acting Head through the challenging periods of home learning. Thanks also to April Best who retired in July having been the RE lead in the school for a number of years. In her place we welcome newly married Hannah Martin (née Jarred). Welcome and congratulations Hannah!
Services & Other Dates
31st October | 10:00 am | 3 Parishes Service at All Saints’, Gt Horkesley * |
2nd November | 8:00 pm | All Souls Service at St peter’s Boxted * |
7th November | 10:00 am | Holy Communion (also via Zoom) |
13th November | 2 – 5 pm | Rectory Open House |
14th November | 10:45 am | Remembrance Sunday Service |
15th November | Deadline for Operation Shoebox | |
21st November | 11:00 am | Six Parishes Service at All Saints’, Gt Horkesley * |
1:00 pm | Lunch at St Mary’s | |
28th November | 10:00 am | Praise on 4 service with coffee & biscuits from 9:45 am |
12th December | Messy Church |
NB All services are now in person and you do not need to book a place.
All at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise
Our Team at St Mary’s
- Priest in Charge: Revd. Heather Wilcox (from 12th November)
email: [email protected] - Assistant Curate: Revd Anne Mason
email: [email protected].
tel: 07895 970834 (Sunday & Tuesday – Thursday). - Church Wardens:
Peter & Caroline Finlay, — [email protected] or 07926 387551 and
Kate & Stephen Penrose, — 07973 421306 - Lay Readers:
Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
Michael Foster—01206 241022;
Joy Budden—01206 241871. - 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
Jo Jeffery—07853 586683. - Parish Evangelist
Ron Seymour—01206 272579. - Church Administrator:
Jo Rassell — 01206 243683,
email: [email protected].
Church Office Hours — Monday 9 am—12:30 pm, Tuesday – Friday 9 am – 1 pm. - Hall Bookings:
Nicole Long—01206 240443. - Newsletter Editor:
email: [email protected]. - Website:
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