The Environment & Highways Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 14th June 2024 with topics including:
- Appointment of officers,
- Handyman update including:
- Grass cutting,
- Applications for the Handyman vacancy,
- Preparations for D-Day commemorations,
- Preparations for the Annual Fete.
- Ponds,
- Playground inspection, and
- Potholes.
Environment Committee Minutes
Meeting held on Thurs 14th June 2024 at 4.30pm in SC Mtg Rm
Members present: | Cllrs John Gili-Ross (JGR) via Zoom, Katie Pulford (KP) and David Short (DS) |
Also present: | No members of the public |
1. Welcome & Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs Manya Barrow, Harry Stone and James Owers.
2. Election of Chair, Vice Chair, PROW Rep and Transport Rep
The following committee members were duly elected to positions on the Environment Committee:
- Chair – Cllr John Gili-Ross
- Vice chair – Cllr Katie Pulford
- PROW representative – Cllr John Gili-Ross
- Transport representative – Cllr Manya Barrow
3. Declarations of Interests
4. Minutes & actions from previous meeting
The minutes of the 9th of May 2024 were agreed by all and there were no actions carried forward.
5. Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
6. Handymen’s report:
- Grass cutting and litter picking is underway.
- It was noted that there have been five applications for the Handyman vacancy.
- Bins have been emptied and the beacon was erected for D-Day lighting and subsequently removed.
- The spare tables required for the fete have not been located and are believed to have been donated to another organisation. The spiked stakes for use at the fete have been located and are available for use by the fete.
7. Ponds
Hay bales have been installed in all three ponds to help with suppression of algae and oxygenation of the water. Trials involving use of a pump for continuous aeration of the water have taken place. Questions have been raised over provision of a power supply to the pump and it was decided to forgo this option pending further spraying of the ponds to suppress algae.
8. Salt Bag Partnership
The village has ample supplies of salt at present, but the village will remain subscribed to the Partnership.
9. Priority repair list for Cllr Barber (potholes & footpaths).
Cllr. Barber is requested to note the following. Serious problems are noted:
- Along the edges of Chitt’s Hill Rd. where dangerous potholes exist.
- Potholes at the junction of Mumford Rd. and Lexden Rd.
- On Colchester Rd. adjacent to the Blue Bridge where the road is seriously uneven.
- Potholing at the junction of Armoury Rd. and Colchester Rd. (NB this section of Armoury Rd. has been adopted). It was noted that further problems remain regarding the surface of the un-adopted section of Armoury Rd. as a bone of contention, nevertheless it was felt that these remain the liability of the residents of the un-adopted road.
- Pothole and gridiron repair required on Newbridge Hill on the right-hand side descending towards the bridge.
ACTION – Cllr. Barber is urged to progress all these points within the Highways Priority Scheme and the Clerk is requested to write formally to Cllr. Barber accordingly.
10. CCC grass cutting of verges
It was noted that grass and verge cutting, which is normally the responsibility of CCC, has not been carried out as contracted this season. Numerous complaints have been received from residents particularly with regard to the road safety and fire risk aspects of this matter. It was felt by Cllr. Short that this omission constituted a breach of contract between the council taxpayers and CCC and it was agreed that Cllr. Short would draft a letter to CCC pointing out their omission and their legal liabilities in this regard.
ACTION – Letter to be agreed at June PC meeting.
11. Faintness of white lines at Colchester/Chapel Road roundabout
This remains a matter for Essex Highways.
ACTION – the Clerk is requested to write to Cllr. Lewis Barber to urge him to raise the matter with Essex as a matter of urgency.
12. To note receipt of playground inspection report
A broken shackle has been replaced on one of the swings. Following the recent ROSPA Play Safety report on the state of the equipment all minor items mentioned in the report have already, or are in the process of, being dealt with. With regard to the said report, it was felt that it had been compiled largely on a “cut and paste” basis and the Clerk is urged to research suitable alternative inspectors.
13. No Mow May
The Environment Committee has in place a strategic plan for maintenance of the village environs and it was decided not to pursue the No Mow May proposals.
14. Upcoming Environment Committee items
There were none other than those described under the various headings above
15. Date of next meeting
The next Environment Committee meeting will be on Thurs 11th July 2024, at 4.30pm in the SC Meeting Room.