Ditches – Who’s Responsible?

Ditches – A Quick Guide To Responsibilities

The Parish Council has noted there to be quite a lot of interest in Ditches and responsibilities on Social Media. It is hoped that you will find the following of use in understanding this topic.

Q.What is a ditch?
A.A ditch is defined as a man-made feature which has been created in order to drain an area of land. Historically these were normally dug by a landowner at the edge of their field and the spoil deposited on their land, on which hedges grew over time
Q.What are watercourses?
A.Watercourses are natural features which drain the surrounding catchment and normally have some water flowing in it, typically rivers, streams etc.
Q.Who is responsible for the maintenance of watercourses and ditches?
A.It is generally the responsibility of the owners of the land on either bank. This means that they have both rights and responsibilities associated with the ditches, or other watercourses, flowing through or adjacent to their property.
Continue reading “Ditches – Who’s Responsible?”

Pavement Upgraded on Colchester Road

Pavement being improved on Colchester Road

Pavement being improved on Colchester RoadPavement Upgraded on Colchester Road

Essex Highways prioritise pavement repairs as County Councillors nominate the most needed works.  Thanks to Councillor Anne Brown, who presented a list of West Bergholt’s top five worst footpaths to the Highways Team, one has already been done.

Work started on Monday resurfacing the footpath between Hop House to Armoury Road, a stretch of path which leads Continue reading “Pavement Upgraded on Colchester Road”

Highways Devolution Welcomed

Councillors and ride-on mower welcoming Highways Devolution
Left to right: Cllrs David Short (WBPC), Harry Stone (WBPC), Bob Tyrrell (WBPC), Borough Cllr Brian Jarvis (CBC), Cllr Jenny Church (WBPC), County Councillor Anne Brown (ECC), County Councillor Kevin Bentley (ECC), Chairman Chris Stevenson on mower (WBPC), EALC Chairman Peter Davey, Cllr John Gili-Ross (WBPC, also Vice chairman of EALC)

Highways Devolution Welcomed

Last Friday 14th June, saw the launch of a Highways Devolution Pilot at St. Mary’s Church Hall.   This scheme will allow the County Council to focus on more complex projects with a wider impact such as resurfacing.  The pilot will empower the Parish Council to address local priorities.  Areas that will come under the control of the Parish Council include:

  • verge and vegetation work,
  • traffic sign maintenance,
  • minor footway repairs, and
  • general works designed to improve the street scene.

The pilot will run until February 2020.  It will remain under review to improve it as it progresses with a view to a fuller rollout next year.

Chris Stevenson, Chairman of West Bergholt Parish Council, said:

West Bergholt Parish Council is delighted to be a member of the Highways Devolution Pilot and given the opportunity for local people to set the priorities for highway related small works.

Since joining the pilot, residents have seen small but important projects implemented both quickly and efficiently by their village handymen and warden.

We look forward to increasing the number of projects to be undertaken and further strengthening the collaborative relationship between ECC, the EALC and Parish Councils, working together to improve village and community wellbeing.”

Signing the agreement


Essex County Council’s Highways Devolution Press Release

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August Highways Highlights

August HIghways HIghlights Cover

August Highways Highlights

The latest August Highways Highlights is available now to download, here are some teasers so you can see if you want to read it in full:

Our Favourite Subject – Potholes

As if West Bergholt didn’t know – all Essex Highways’ Road Surfacing crews are working flat out.  There is also a list of how many have been fixed in each district with advice to not treat it like some type of league table because each district has different types of roads.   🙂

Rogue Highwaymen

Apparently, Continue reading “August Highways Highlights”

Latest News from Essex County Council

ECC-NewsLatest News from Essex County Council

Burning questions

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service wants your views on how it keeps you safe in your home and community.

Residents are being urged to have their say in the future redesign of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS), through a 12 week consultation that starts today (Monday June 15) and ends on Sunday September 6.

The consultation process, the main element of the Fire Authority’s Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP), aims to address several key issues impacting on the fire service such as the declining number of call-outs and the need to increase the focus on preventing fires and emergencies from happening.

It will also look at major issues such as response times, and the ambitious target of having a working smoke alarm in every Essex home.

Have your say here.

If you’re happy and you know it

Baby and Toddler Rhymetime veteran volunteer Peter Cave is 91 and is living proof you are never too old to volunteer; Peter Cave has been volunteering at the Baby and Toddler Rhymetime session at Chelmsford Library since earlier in the year and intends to carry on his sterling singing and storytelling role after he turns 91 – why not get involved yourself?

Better service, same price

Frozen prices, more options and an improved Meals on Wheels service is coming your way.  Essex County Council (ECC) took a decision that will see prices for Meals on Wheels frozen and the service improved, following today’s Cabinet meeting.  As part of the decision, a one year extension has been agreed to the county’s existing Meals on Wheels service.

Get exploring!

Go on an adventure in one of our country parks and send us a picture from your trip to win free parking for six months!

Colchester Local Highways Panel funding

Colchester Local Highways Panel (LHP) is set to benefit from a £1million boost which will enable a variety of small highways schemes to get underway.  Essex County Council is allocating the funding to Colchester LHP for 2015/16.

Projects will include upgrading the public footpath near Wivenhoe railway station to provide disabled access, building a new wooden bus shelter on St Ives Road in Peldon and pedestrian crossing improvements on Plume Avenue in Prettygate.

Environment & Highways – 12th March 2015

The Environment & Highways  Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 12th March 2015 when they discussed a range of issues including village handymen, beacon, potholes, dog poo and footways.

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2015 in John Lampon Hall

Councillors present  Harry Stone, Jenny Church, Phil Walby, Rosemary James
Apologies  Rachel Howard, Murray Harlow.


1 Village Handyman
Road signs have been cleaned by Steve. Harry has held a Performance review with Steve.Ivor is arranging to cut the hedge at the Methodist Church. HS
2 Traffic Safety Plan
All proposed yellow lines and road signs and 20mph limits have been signed off. The yellow lines apparently will be done in April and the speed limit signage in July.
3 Potholes
Potholes and surface problems in Chitts Hill highlighted. Ask for resurfacing in the future.Potholes and surfacing in New Church Road needs attention.Hall Road problems have been somewhat alleviated by hedging and ditching. Potholes need attention. The road leading up to the Old Church would benefit from the sweeper. HS
5 Dog fouling
A dog bin has been ordered for the Brewery site. An item for the March Bulletin has been sent in encouraging dog walkers to help keep the village clean.Phil will meet with Marcus and the dog warden on Friday 13th to discuss problems. PW
6 Beacon
Steve is arranging for a pole to be bought and the sign will be placed near the Village sign at the area adjacent to junction of Chapel Road and Colchester Road. Ivor to be asked to assist Steve with transporting beacon to the site. Brian Butcher to monitor site for placement. HS  & BB
7 Areas of work in village
Agreed to produce a map showing sites of our responsibility in the village. HS
8 Footways in village
A resident has proposed that a footway along the Nayland Road would make it safer for children walking to school. It seems unlikely that money will be available for this as a project.
9 Grit spreader
Although the grit spreader has not been required for snow clearance this year, it is not functioning efficiently. Harry to contact Tuckwells for solving the problem. HS
Date of next meeting – to be notified


Environment & Highways – 8th January 2015

Dog poo fairyEnvironment & Highways – 8th January 2015

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th January 2015 to consider a range of issues and decisions affecting the general environment and highways within West Bergholt.  Updates on traffic safety, village ponds, pot-holes, dog bins & poo, beacon, & grass cutting.  The formal report to the Parish Council is as follows:

Environment & Highways Report

Sub-committee Meeting held on Thursday 8th January 2015 in John Lampon Hall

Councillors present  Harry Stone, Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Phil Walby
Apologies Rosemary James, Rachel Howard


1 Grass verges
Grass verges need cutting/trimming/tidying. This will be arranged when weather permits HS
2 Village handyman
The use of a chit book needs to be made to work efficiently. We do not always know when Steve has completed jobs. Harry to follow this up. HS
There is going to be an appraisal system for employees instigated.Methodist Church has requested help with hedge cutting. Harry to arrange for Ivor to do this. HS
3 Village Ponds
Lexden Road and Queens Road ponds have been cleared by TCV and the vegetation removed by Norhurst. Both are looking really good. Hall Road pond needs attention. Jenny to contact Carla Davis. JC
4 Traffic Safety Plan
20mph signs to be put in place along New Church Road and School Road in February. A message from Sonja Church to say the yellow lines will be installed anytime now. Agenda item
There has been a problem in New Church Road by the new houses being built as the builders have been parking their trucks and lorries and creating a problem at school time in the mornings.
5. Potholes
There are problems at various places in the village. Highways need to be informed.
A drain cover uplifting is a problem in John Lampon Close. Harry will report this. HS
6 Dog bin
Check with Val about the order of a bin for Brewery site.
Problem with dog fouling in the village. Complaints have been received. Plan to organise an “anti-dog pooh” campaign in February. Item for bulletin, posters. JC & MH
Ask Marcus to refer to dog warden at CBC HS
7 Beacon
Now to be installed by village sign at end of Chapel Road by Steve. The wording for a plaque agreed. John Gili Ross will arrange this. Agenda item
8. Grass cutting
Sub-committee agreed to carry on using our current arrangements for grass cutting
9 Areas of work in village
Plan to produce a map showing sites of our responsibility in the village. HS
10 AOB
a)   Noise abatement team from CBC have been called out but unfortunately the PC hasn’t been informed of this. It would be useful for us to know.
b)   The rangers from CBC are asked to carry out tasks but we never can be given a date and we are not informed when the work is completed.
Date of next meeting – Thursday 12th February 2015  in  JL Hall
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