St Mary’s Summer 2017 Good News Update
This Summer 2017 edition of Good News, St Mary’s Parish Magazine, is reproduced below (together with additional material from various notices), use the links to the stories & news items.
- Relationship Not Rules;
- Village Fayre;
- Harvest Festival – 1st October;
- Exciting News;
- Family Fun Afternoon;
- Notices,
- Dates for Your Diary (Including Services),
- Sunday Gospel Readings,
- Regular Events,
- Contacts.
Relationship Not Rules
I have become more and more aware recently that the Christian faith is far more about having a relationship with God than it is about following a set of rules.
I used to feel that the Christian faith was a set of ideals which I could never live up to, and that God would be disappointed with me if I didn’t meet his expectations. But thankfully I now have a very different perspective, which is beautifully summarised in this passage from ‘The Shack’ by WM Paul Young:
The Bible doesn’t teach you to follow rules. It is a picture of Jesus. While words may tell you what God is like and even what he may want from you, you cannot do any of it on your own. Life and living is in Him (Jesus) and in no other…..It is true that relationships are a whole lot messier than rules, but rules will never give you answers to the deep questions of the heart and they will never love you.
Of course Jesus’ teaching is about showing love and kindness to others and forgiving those who have hurt us, but we can’t do it in our own strength – we need God’s help. And that help comes through having a relationship with God through prayer. (I remember a number of years ago my vicar at the time explaining to me that prayer is a relationship with God, not a list of requests!)
So how do we develop that relationship? There are many ways in which we can ‘talk’ to God, and to make space to ‘listen’ to what He may be saying to us, and different ways will suit different people. One way worth trying out is the Celtic tradition of prayer.
Prayer for the Celts was an integral part of their daily lives, a rhythm of prayer and action, inclusive of all life, work, play, relationships, giving a wholeness of being centred on Christ the King and the Trinity. Over the page are some prayers in the Celtic style which you may find helpful.
Prayers in the Celtic Style
Fully Dressed
Lord, clothe me with Compassion;
A sorrow for each other’s needs.
Lord clothe me with Kindness;
A willingness to serve.
Lord, clothe me with Humility;
An attitude of mind.
Lord, clothe me with Gentleness;
The way of Christ in me.
Lord, clothe me with Patience;
To accept and understand.
Lord, help me to forgive.
Forgive, Lord, as you’ve forgiven me.
It seems Lord I am fully dressed;
Yet you say, I’m naked still.
Overall these garments, Lord,
Clothe me with your Love
And Peace within your Will.
Ruth Newman (based on Colossians 3:12-15)
Day by Day
Early in the morning I wait on you, O Lord;
Day by day I toil for you, O Lord;
At the bright noonday I recollect you, O Lord;
In talk and recreation I enjoy you, O Lord;
In study and in prayer I learn of you, O Lord;
At nightfall and in deep sleep I rest in you, O Lord.
Ray Simpson
Heavenly Balm
Quieten me, quieten me, O Lord:
Ease me from the intense busy-ness that assails me.
Quieten me, quieten me, O Lord:
Draw me away from the incessant noise.
Still me, still me, O God:
Help me to yield up the need to chatter.
Still me, still me, O God:
Let me be immersed in your deep stillness.
Then, Lord,
When my heart, my soul, my mind and my spirit are at rest,
Open me to hear your voice of calm.
And, Lord,
In that deep stillness of eternity,
Bestow on me your heavenly balm.
Trevor Thorn
Night Prayer
As I lay down to sleep,
May the holiness of the Trinity
In love enfold me.
With power protect me.
May the Father who creates, surround me,
The Son who redeems, restore me,
The Spirit who enlightens, bring peace.
May angels watch over me
Within these walls
In the silence of the night.
Bronwen Vizard
The above prayers are extracts from Pocket Celtic Prayers, compiled by Martin Wallace.
Village Fayre
St Mary’s Church will be running a stall at the Village Fayre on Saturday 9 September and we would be glad of some help on the stall, either to help set up, or to man the stall. If you can help in any way, please contact Liz Dixon 01206 243683, [antibot mailto”[email protected]”]. The Village Fayre runs from 12-4pm and St Mary’s will be running games for the children and something nice for Mums too! Look forward to seeing you there.
Harvest Festival – Sunday 1st October 2017
You are warmly invited to our Harvest Festival Family Communion Service on Sunday 1st October at 9.30am at St Mary’s West Bergholt, led by Rev Mandy Elmes.
Come and celebrate all the things for which we are thankful, and enjoy the beautiful harvest decorations. There is also an opportunity to share our good fortune with others less fortunate by bringing along donations of groceries for the Open Door project in Colchester. Everyone welcome!
The church will also be open for the remainder of the day, after the Harvest Festival service, for people to come in and have a look at the harvest decorations and perhaps take some time out of their busy lives for a few moments of quiet and reflection.
Decorating the Church for Harvest
We will be decorating the church for harvest on Saturday 30th September from 9.45 am and would welcome anyone who would like to come along and help in any way. We hope too that many of you will want to be involved in providing produce and flowers from your gardens or allotments. It would be especially nice to have a beautifully decorated church to welcome all the visitors over the harvest weekend including those coming to the family fun afternoon. If you have any questions, please speak to me in church, text me on 07866 485269 or email me at [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
Exciting News!
Our 3 Parishes have been successful in applying for funds to appoint a part-time Families Worker. This is for 3 years and he or she will be starting new projects as well as supporting the work already being done with young people and families – of all ages! We will be receiving a considerable sum from the diocese but each church has to contribute £800 a year towards the cost. We are planning different ways of raising that amount and the first event will be on Saturday 30th September (see next article).
Thank you for your support.
Caroline Finlay
Family Fun Afternoon
Taking place on Saturday 30th September between 2pm – 5pm, this event promises games, craft activities and plenty of refreshments; of course there will also be the beautiful harvest displays.
This is a fund-raising event towards the cost of the new Families Worker.
Children’s Society Boxes – Thank You
This year we raised a total of £264.00! Thank you all for your continuing support. If you would like a box yourself, please contact [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. It’s a great way of getting rid of loose change from your pocket!
Christian Aid – Thank You
Thank you to everyone who helped with the door to door collections this year, and a special thanks to Paul Elmes who co-ordinated the operation. A total of over £1,346 was raised – a fantastic achievement!
Confirmation Classes for Adults and Children
This is a great way to explore your faith with others who are thinking about confirmation, and a safe place to ask any questions you have about God, Jesus, and the journey of faith. There will be separate classes for children and adults, due to start in mid-October, with the confirmation service taking place on Sunday 10th December. You can register your interest with Rev Mandy Elmes, or Liz in the church office: 01206 243683 or [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Appeal
If you are buying shoes in the summer sales, please keep the boxes! We will be organising another shoe box appeal in the autumn. Look out for more details in the October edition of Good News.
Dates for Your Diary (Including Services)
Sunday Gospel Readings
Our Bible readings for every Sunday are taken from the Lectionary, a table of psalms and readings authorised for use in public worship of the Church of England.
Date |
Reading |
Theme |
Sunday 6 August | Matthew 14:13-21 | Jesus feeds five thousand |
Sunday 13 August | Matthew 14:22-33 | Jesus walks on water |
Sunday 20 August | Matthew 15:21-28 | Jesus sends a demon out of a girl |
Sunday 27 August | Matthew 16:13-20 | Peter says Jesus is the Messiah |
Sunday 3 September | Matthew 16:21-28 | Jesus predicts His death the first time |
Sunday 10 September | Matthew 18:15-20 | Jesus teaches how to treat a Believer who sins |
Sunday 17 September | Matthew 18:21-35 | The parable of the unforgiving debtor |
Sunday 24 September | Matthew 20:1-6 | ![]() |
Regular Events
Home Groups
Our home groups start again after the summer holidays on the dates below. If you are interested in joining one of the groups, please contact Michael Foster on 241022.
- Tuesday 8pm (Michael Foster): 12 September. The fortnightly meetings alternate between The White’s & The Chadborn’s homes. This coming term the group will continue studying “Women of the Old Testament”.
- Thursday 10.00am (Rachel Hutchings): 14 September (fortnightly meetings, pre-school children welcome).
Open House & 5T’s (Together on Thursdays for Tea @ Two Thirty)
- Open House every Thursday morning at 9am in term times.
- 5T’s – 2.30pm every Thursday, including school holidays.
Wired (our Youth Group for Secondary School Students)
Fridays @ 7.45pm in the church hall on 8 September.
Messy Church
Our Messy Church services will take place on the second Sunday of each month at 9.30am on the following dates (except in December which is the first Sunday!):
- 13/8, 10/9, 8/10 & 3/12 (no Messy Church in November)
- Priest in charge: Rev Dr Mandy Elmes,
The Rectory, 1 Church Close,
West Bergholt CO6 3JZ
Tel 01206 240906
Mob 07872 649967
[antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Parish Office & Good News Editor
Liz Dixon 01206 243683
[antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Lay Readers:
- Richard Chadborn – 01206 240541
- Michael Foster- 01206 241022
- Evangelist:
Ronnie Seymour – 01206 273579 - Church Wardens
- Sue Day – 01206 241040
- Peter Jeffery – 01206 548839
- Pastoral Assistant
- Dorothy Chadborn – 01206 240541
- Home Groups: (Bible Study) Contact Michael Foster – 01206 241022
- Hall Hire and Church Bookings: Contact Nicole on 01206 240443
- Website and email
[antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
Follow us on Twitter @stmarysbergholt or Facebook - Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Enquiries regarding Rainbows, Brownies & Guides to 07757 636446, [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or - Cubs & Beavers contact: 241666;
- Scouts contact: 240549