Methodist Church Services Change
There is a change coming in the pattern of Sunday worship at the Methodist Church. Up to and including Easter Sunday, April 1st, worship will be continuing as usual on each Sunday at 11.00 am.
Starting on April 8th Sunday services will only be held on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. A different person will normally conduct these each time – this may be an ordained Minister or a Lay Preacher. Usually once a month a service of Holy Communion is part of the service.
Away Sundays
On Sundays when there is not a service at our church in the village, the church is setting up some lift-sharing arrangements to services at other Methodist churches within the Colchester Circuit. Please contact Judith, 01206 241969, or Andrew, 01206 242511, if you would like a lift. Full details of all these services will always be available in ‘The Link’.
All other activities are continuing as usual.