St Mary’s Update – 24th May
Congratulations to Mark & Gill on the birth of James, and also to Gemma & Andy on the safe arrival of Samuel!
The following dates listing services and events up to the end of June, have been advised to us by St Mary’s, note italicised services are not in the village. Don’t forget – the collection on a Sunday morning is now being taken during the service just before communion.
- Sunday 29th May
- 9.30am Joint 3 Parishes service at St Mary’s, West Bergholt – led by the Dean of Chelmsford Cathedral.
- Thursday 2nd June
- 2.30pm 5Ts (no open house as it is half-term)
Following the closure of the Village Friendship club, St Mary’s decided to hold the 5Ts every week. However more helpers to take turns in setting up and serving refreshments are needed to make it more sustainable. Murray Harlow would be very pleased to hear from you if you can help! Email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
- 2.30pm 5Ts (no open house as it is half-term)
- Sunday 5th June
- 9.30am Communion.
- 9.30am Communion, St Peter’s, Boxted.
- 11.15am Morning Praise, St John’s, Gt Horkesley.
- Monday 6th June
- 8pm Worship Committee.
- Tuesday 7th June
- 8pm Home Group at Roy & Pat’s.
- Thursday 9th June
- 9am Open house.
- 10am Rachel’s home group.
- 2.30pm 5Ts.
- Friday 10th June
- 7.45pm Wired youth group.
- Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th June
11am – 5pm – Boxted Flower Festival at St Peter’s Church – A celebration of the life, loves and duties of Queen Elizabeth
The village community of Boxted, in the Stour Valley, is coming together to celebrate the Life, Loves and Duties of H.M. Queen Elizabeth on Saturday, 11th June and Sunday 12th June 2016 at St Peter’s Church.
11am – 5pm both days – admission & parking free!
This beautiful building will be the setting for more than 25 exhibits (using garden flowers and supporting artefacts and memorabilia) featuring subjects including horse racing, corgis, hats, Scottish country dancing, swan upping, the Maundy Thursday service and the Elizabeth Line. There will also be a not-to-be-missed plant stall for both serious and aspiring gardeners with good-sized plants at bargain prices.
Light refreshments will be available at the church on Saturday and on Sunday, garden party teas will be served at the Old Vicarage (opposite the church) and there will be live music.
For more information please contact Annette Whybrow 01206 272773 or email [antibot [email protected]].
- Sunday 12th June
- 8am Communion (said), St Mary’s, Langham.
- 9.30am Messy Church.
- 9.30am Communion & flower festival, St Peter’s, Boxted.
- 11.15am Communion, All Saints’, GH.
12.30pm West Bergholt Open Gardens
Don’t forget to let Nicole know if you can help serve refreshments on the day or provide cakes: email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or phone-240443.- 6pm Storytime Club at GH new village hall.
- 6.30pm Evening Prayer
- Tuesday 20th June
- 9.15am – 2.30pm – Baptism Training Day at St John’s Church, Colchester .
Mandy is hoping to draw together a team of people who would be able to help her with visits to prepare families for baptism. There is a training session on the above date for anyone who might be interested in doing this. Please let Mandy know if you would like to attend.
- 9.15am – 2.30pm – Baptism Training Day at St John’s Church, Colchester .
- Saturday 28th June
- Senior Citizen’s Lunch (not 28 May as previously advertised).
Sunday Bible Readings
- Sun 29 May – Luke 7:1-10 – the faith of the centurion,
- Sun 5 June – Luke 7:11-17 – Jesus raises a widow’s son,
- Sun 12 June – Luke 7:36-8:3 – Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman.