After nearly 40 years…

The local WEA was formed 40 years ago this year

A group of locals formed the WEA West Bergholt Branch nearly 40 years ago on Tuesday 20th October 1981. They launched their first ‘season’ of lectures in spring 1982 on the topic of “The Citizen and the Law – criminal, family, and consumer”; local lawyers presented the course.

Imperial China might be the last course after nearly 40 years

They started their most recent series on “Imperial China: Land and People” in spring 2021 was curtailed because of the Covid 19 lockdown 1; they did manage to complete nine of the ten weeks of this excellently presented subject though.

Over the years subjects have included:

  • architecture,
  • film,
  • history,
  • industry,
  • literature,
  • music,
  • poetry,
  • climate, and many more,

… and have been well supported. Now, with an aging membership, attendance has steadily reduced year by year and ,the branch is no longer viable unless more people come forward to help run it.

Under Threat

So, “Imperial China” might be the last course held here unless a way is found to keep the branch running. Organising local courses is not difficult and much support is available from the local WEA Education Coordinator, Debbie Young. If you are interested in keeping this valuable asset to the community alive beyond 40 years, please contact the Colchester branch via their website.

These show what a diverse and interesting range of courses the WEA has put on over the past few years!

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