Workers Educational Association
The local WEA was formed 40 years ago this year
A group of locals formed the WEA West Bergholt Branch over 40 years ago on Tuesday 20th October 1981. They launched their first ‘season’ of lectures in spring 1982 on the topic of “The Citizen and the Law – criminal, family, and consumer”; local lawyers presented the course.
Over the years subjects have included:
- architecture,
- film,
- history,
- industry,
- literature,
- music,
- poetry,
- climate, and many more,
… and have been well supported. Now, with an aging membership, attendance has steadily reduced year by year and the branch is no longer viable unless more people come forward to help run it.
Organising local courses is not difficult and much support is available from the local WEA Education Coordinator, Debbie Young. If you are interested in bringing this valuable asset back to the community please contact Debbie at [email protected].
Recent WEA Notices & News
To read the whole article please click on the heading…
- After nearly 40 years… - The local WEA was formed 40 years ago this year A group of locals formed the WEA West Bergholt Branch nearly 40 years ago on Tuesday 20th October 1981. They launched their first 'season' of lectures in spring 1982 on… …
- Imperial China – Land & People: A WEA Course - Imperial China - Land & People The first WEA course of the decade is on the subject of Imperial China. China, as one of the oldest continuous civilisations, is currently undergoing dramatic change; it has emerged as a major world… …
Continue reading "Imperial China – Land & People: A WEA Course"
- Ten Britishers of Note – a WEA Course - Ten Britishers of Note After a long spring/summer break the subject for the autumn course is “Ten Britishers of Note”; the course will be led by tutor Edward de Maunsell. The last two courses at the WEA were on Jazz… …
- Zero Night - Zero Night Zero Night the greatest untold escape story of World War II. The scene is set in Oflag V1-B the prison camp in Warburg. It tells of 40 British and Commonwealth officers who hatched the most original and daring… …
- The Jazz Century – Cakewalk to Culture - The Jazz Century - Cakewalk to Culture After its summer break, the West Bergholt Branch of WEA is welcoming the return of popular tutor Graham Platts with a Jazz theme. Members enjoyed Graham's previous courses: “The Sultanate of Oman” and… …
- Gardens in British Art follows Pakistan Perspective - Gardens in British Art The most recent WEA course, Perspectives of Pakistan, is coming to an end and has been well received, read about it below. The new year sees a new course starting led by Sue Pownall. It will… …
Continue reading "Gardens in British Art follows Pakistan Perspective"
- Perspectives of Pakistan – 1847 to Malala Yousafzai - Perspectives of Pakistan - 1847 to Malala Yousafzai Led by Graham Platts, Perspectives of Pakistan is title of the next course being run by the WEA. Pakistan is both an old and a new country. Its people are hospitable yet… …
Continue reading "Perspectives of Pakistan – 1847 to Malala Yousafzai"
- Films & Literature - Films & Literature Films & Literature is the topic of the upcoming WEA course starting at 8pm on 13th September. The course will investigate the way books & cinema have influenced the other as David Read, the tutor, says:… …
- Shakespeare’s Villains - Shakespeare's Villains - A WEA Short Course Not “done” Shakespeare since you left school? Do you think his works are not for you? This autumn in West Bergholt we are looking forward to welcoming Ron Marks who will be our tutor… …
- Inland Waterways – Past & Present - With the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation not that far away we have a real local model to add context and flavour to the WEA's next course. Inland Waterways, starting on January 13th at 8pm in the Methodist Church Hal, is… …