Premises & Recreation – 2nd May 2016

Premises & Recreation – 2nd May 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 2nd May when, among other items, they discussed asbestos, licences, Poors Land, bollards, MUGA, Orpen Hall toilets, storage and BHYFC.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 2nd May 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell.

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Matters from Last Meeting



Health and Safety Questionnaire

VBC sourcing suitable course and will report back at the next meeting.



Clerks & Administrator’s Report


Bar Licence

LW has been in contact with CBC Premises Licence,  £70 is due 1st September 2016.  LW had given a copy of the Licence to BB. BB to check with Orpen Players what involvement Bernard (Social Club) has when it comes to them selling alcohol at their productions.



Hall Administrator Holiday Cover

Prior to the meeting it was discussed and agreed that Zoe, the cleaner, had agreed to cover the Hall Administrator’s holiday.



More research/investigation into cost/storage/quantity will be sought by VBC for next meeting.  BB will inform the Finance Committee of potential forthcoming expenditure once further costings were known.



Draft T&C for one-off hirers

in progress will update at next meeting.




VBC now have copies of keys for both bollards.  The yellow bollard key is yet to be out in the key box.  VBC to contact JG-R to arrange receipt of the key.




Scouts – Asbestos Survey

LW will chase the Scouts again.



Provision of ‘MUGA Spectator’ benches

Following on from last month’s meeting with BYG offer to contribute towards the benches it was agreed this would not be necessary/forthcoming.  VBC is waiting on quotes before work is instructed and benches be put in positon.  PC to agree location. POST MEETING NOTE the matter of benches will be taken forward by the Environment committee.

BB brought up the MUGA and its usage and that we should be maximising the use of it.  BB would like to know what the planning conditions for use are, if any it is thought use is at the discretion of the PC.   HS mentioned that VBC and he are on the West Bergholt Sports Facility – Advisory Group – who happen to have a meeting on 5th April and invited BB to attend, which unfortunately, he could not.  VBC confirmed that as Chairman the Minutes will be copied to BB.  To be discussed further at next month’s meeting.


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

BB and MH met with Mick and Terry of the West Bergholt Football Club before this meeting and BB confirmed there was an understanding on – way forward which BB will progress.  VBC confirmed that BHYFC had not come back with a list of managers to enable them to use the Orpen Hall toilets. BB


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

Final drawings had been approved.  LW had chased three potential companies to see if they wanted to tender.  BB said the time for works to be done was from 16th July to 29th August 2016 – time is running out and may have to look at alternative companies to tender.   VBC to liaise with hirers nearer the time to notify them of the works and alternative toilets to use while works are in progress. The refurbish will not be able to be phased. BB/LW/VBC


Storage Units

a)   Orpen Players – Roger is on holiday when proposed meeting was intended and BB now has his telephone number and will liaise with Roger and HS to arrange meeting up.

b)   Bluebell – In a separate meeting Bluebells showed interest that racking could be a way forward.  MH has a potential supplier and will liaise with Jackie Leach what is required and come back at the next meeting with a design and quotes.  The PC has not yet agreed to fund.

c)    Flower Club – it was agreed that their cabinet in the garage be moved to the meeting room upstairs.  This would then leave a gap between the two garages which will need to be bricked up when the WC’s are refurbished.

d)   Environment Equipment – BB made enquiries to seek which option would be allowed by CBC to construct a new storage unit to the front left-hand corner of the carpark – unfortunately, this was not forthcoming and prior to this meeting BB had spoken with CS and it was agreed architects would be needed to draw up plans and hence obtaining a quote for the work to eventually submit to planning, but not until a pre-app had been made.




1)    Queen Elizabeth Birthday Celebrations – An accident occurred when a member of the pubic tripped over the ramp at the back of the JL Hall. BB gave VBC a suggested template accident form to implement rather than what is currently being used.  Note to Environment Committee as a starting point to paint yellow lines along the edges until a potentially suitable solution can be agreed to be sent by BB. JGR/


2)   Poors Land – VBC made BB aware of a hirer wishing to use the Poors Land for a football birthday party.  “Re-seeding” is to take place in middle May and the football pitches will not be available for use.  VBC to go back to hirer and ascertain how much of the field is required and reiterate that the football pitches are out of use but any area outside this can be used. VBC
3)   In a prior meeting with the Orpen Players it was asked if the PC could look into revising the number of seats at their productions as the size of the chairs have changed.  BB has taken this on board and after this meeting will measure and discuss this whilst the Orpen Players are using the Hall.  BB has asked VBC to look into what the fire rating is on the existing chairs. BB
4)   West Bergholt Football Club – according to the Agreement every three years the rent is reviewed.  2016 is the year and it was agreed to increase the rent from £450 to £475 and VBC to issue invoice to them. VBC
5)   Storage – All other storage hirers to be increased by 5%. VBC
Meeting closed at 8.50pm


Date of next meeting

6th June 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


Premises & Recreation – 4th April 2016

Premises & Recreation – 4th April 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 4th April when, among other items, they discussed health & safety, licences, lighting, Poors Land, bollards, MUGA, Orpen Hall toilets, storage and BHYFC.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 4th April 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Rosemary James, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell.

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Matters from Last Meeting



Orpen Hall Signage

BB enquired to why this matter was put on hold at the previous meeting in his absence.  Reasons being (1) the new storage/garage was proposed to go where the sign was being erected, (2) double sided sign would cost approx. £2,000 – looking at single sided and to be placed by cycle rack, this point will be revisited later on in the year.


Health and Safety Questionnaire

BB has now been provided with a copy of the Asbestos Report.

VBC is looking into a fire extinguisher handling session to be undertaken at the Hall, potentially to be extended to Parish Councillors, and heads of various groups. VBC



Clerks & Administrator’s Report



Bar Licence –

LW to check with Social Club as a priority as to the current position.



Lighting inside and out at Hall – update

This has been in  hand since the last meeting with our electrician Simon from EKB Contracts.  Parts have had to be ordered hence the delay.



More research/investigation into cost/storage/quantity will be sought by VBC for next meeting.




Draft T&C for one-off hirers

in progress will update at next meeting.





in progress, will update at next meeting.




Scouts – Asbestos Survey

in progress, will update at next meeting.



Provision of ‘MUGA Spectator’ benches

Following BB’s introduction, HS spoke on behalf of BYG who had come forward with an idea to place two wooden benches along the side of the ‘MUGA’ to enable spectators to watch either the tennis or the football.  BYG had offered to contribute to the cost with surplus money from their tuck shop on 21st April towards the benches. The PC may also ask the West Bergholt Football Club if they wish to contribute.  It was agreed that they would be wooden, with no backs, bolted into the ground.  It was agreed to get quotes from the handyman in the village.  Approx. size to be 8ft long x 1ft wide.  BYG would advise their suggested location and a plaque to be placed to record BYG’s contribution. VBC/HS


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club

T&C were amended and agreed.  David Bowden is compiling a list of Managers and VBC suggested that as there could be as many as 6 managers that they each have a unique code rather than a fob so that we can easily manage any misuse.  VBC waiting for list and will then arrange training of the alarm system.  There was mention that their Committee Members had changed – VBC to check. VBC


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

A meeting was being held with Steve McLean of Esposito McLean on 5th April with BT to discuss details.  It was suggested to enquire if STC, Ponders and Tamarisk Buildings would be interested in tending for the works and LW to deal with this, so that the works can be completed during the Summer Holiday. BT/BB/LW


Storage Units

A discussion ensued about various options of extending the current garages to store equipment from the CBC garage which will no longer be rented by the Parish Council and the PC’s mower.  Prior to the meeting BB/VBC had a meeting with the Orpen Players, and informed them that the Parish Council will no longer be renting the CBC garage but that they will not get any more space, however they, will need to look at what they store at present and see if they can declutter – HS/BB and Roger will meet at the garages to discuss further.    Likewise a meeting with Bluebells – to see what their storage needs are.  This matter will be discussed further at the next meeting once the outcome from discussions with the Orpen Players and Bluebells have taken place. BB/HS



1)    Servery – it was agreed that this room will need to be refurbished sooner rather than later. ALL
2)    Social Club – following the monthly litter pick JC brought to our attention the number of cigarette ends on the ground around the Social Club’s entrance – it was suggested that LW approach the Social Club to bring this to their attention and for them to clean up on a daily basis or put a bucket of sand outside. LW
Meeting closed at 8.34pm


Date of next meeting

2nd May 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall


Premises & Recreation – 1st February 2016

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 1st February when, among other items, they discussed Orpen Hall, Health & Safety, budget, storage, football clubs, licences and toilets.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Sub-committee meeting held on Monday 1st February 2016 in the John Lampon Hall

Councillors present Brian Butcher (Chair), Murray Harlow (Vice chair), Jenny Church, Rosemary James, Bob Tyrrell.
Apologies Harry Stone

Also in attendance Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)


Matters from Last Meeting

2.1 Orpen Hall Signage
Work in progress, will update at next meeting. BT
2.2 Health and Safety Questionnaire
This has now been completed with the exception of obtaining a copy of the Asbestos Report – Parish Clerk to look further and to contact previous Parish Clerk to where the Report maybe located. LW
BB/VBC will organise unannounced fire drills throughout the year. BB/VBC
BB asked about fire extinguisher training – VBC confirmed that she has undertaken this in another employment. As Bluebells are the main users of the Hall – VBC to ask if their staff know how to use extinguishers. VBC
At this point reference was made to the chair clips (Panto Orpen Players) – that they were not functioning properly – VBC pointed out the correct positioning of the clips and confirmed that she will meet with the Orpen Players Friday night to show the Front of House the correct way positioning them.  We discussed the Orpen Players smoking, “instructing” Zoe etc, and agreed we would meet them to discuss. VBC


Clerks & Administrator’s Report

3.1 Bar Licence and Dance/Music Licence – LW has sent off PPL and PRS paperwork.  Bar Licence: LW to check with Social Club. LW
3.2 Additional Bin Hire – This will only need to be considered when the CSH implement their “weighing payment” method. However, currently it will work out cheaper to have a 360l wheelie bin for glass and cans. LW
3.3 JL Hall Toilet/Boiler – VBC updated that the plumber had to come out and deal with a leak in one of the toilets (replacement ball valve) and a leak on the boiler.
3.4 Job Role of Hall Admin – H&S – VBC reported that all points are covered within her role at present apart from “ensuring a fire risk assessment is maintained”. VBC to implement this. VBC
3.5 Draft T&C for one-off hirers – in progress will update at next meeting. VBC
3.6 West Bergholt Website – has been updated with up to date information especially with making contact details more prominent – will be checked periodically.



No further comments – this item can now be taken off the Agenda.


West Bergholt Football Club – grass cutting Lorkin Daniell Field

Signed off – this item can now be taken off the Agenda


Bergholt Heath Youth Football Club – Saturday morning training proposal

Prior to meeting CS sent the Committee correspondence regarding this.  The Committee were to talk through the “Action Points” – As the first point was of utmost importance, this was discussed and agreed in principal that BHYFC could use the Orpen Hall disabled toilet – this was on the proviso that they agreed and signed the T&C which VBC will draft and send to BB for approval. VBC
The other action points will be followed up as and when necessary. ALL


Refurbishment of Orpen Hall Toilets

A discussion ensued about the layout whether to draw up as per plans or to refurbish what we have. It was agreed to go with existing plans but with option that “cosmetic changes” be made once tendered. Bluebells would like to have at least one lower basin for handwashing but its need was not agreed. BB has been in dialogue with three designers and is nearing obtaining quotes for this work. BB


Storage Units

Measurements of the storage units have been done and concluded that there is not enough storage.  Various options to increase storage in the future were proposed, when funding is available. One being building another garage onto the existing two garages towards the football club.  Two, where the CSH bin is located to have a unit to house the rubbish, salt, equipment needed for the handyman, etc.  MH suggested racking out the current garages to optimise the space would help.  MH to speak with the Orpen Players, BYG and Bluebells who currently rent them and come up with drawings and costings for next meeting for the Committee to consider. MH


Terms of Reference

BB forwarded to CS – this item can now be taken of the Agenda.


Budget for next year

2016/2017 fees were approved at the Parish Council meeting. VBC to advise regular hirers of increases. VBC



BB listed out various light bulbs not working and VBC will get these replaced VBC


Date of next meeting

7th March 2016 – 7.30pm John Lampon Hall

(Brian Butcher offered apologies in advance)
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