Allotments Excel at Fundraising in 2017

Allotment Charity Table

Allotments Excel at Fundraising in 2017

The recent Allotment Committee meeting minutes disclose lots of news but none as staggering as their fundraising efforts.  Through their charity stall they have so far raised £4,250, nearly £2,000 more than last year!  There is still time to add to the total since the stall remains open until first frost.

The agreed recipients were confirmed as: Continue reading “Allotments Excel at Fundraising in 2017”

Bats in the Belfry?

Coop voucher schemeBats in the Belfry?

As previously announced the £10,000 target for repair of the roof and the tower at the Old Church has been reached.  Unfortunately work has not yet started as a bat survey indicated that the bats were still roosting in the church. Apparently the bats are late leaving this year because of the cold spring but should leave soon.  The Churches Conservation Trust have given assurances that everything is in hand and should start work by September.

Ongoing Fundraising with thanks to the Co-op

The Friends of the Old Church continue to fund raise for the ongoing maintenance of the church.  In time they also hope to have electricity laid on and install lighting in the building. At present they rely on the generosity of the owners of  Bergholt Hall for a limited electricity supply.

In this vein they would like to express their thanks to the Co-op and their customers who supported the Old Church with their tokens.  This has resulted in a generous donation of £500 to kick start the next wave!

You’ve Kept the Bell Ringing – Target Reached!

Keep the Bell Ringing target metYou’ve Kept the Bell Ringing – Target Reached!

The Friends of St Mary’s Old Church are delighted to announce the success of their Keep the Bell Ringing Appeal.  The initial target of £10,000, required to trigger the various grants needed for the Church restoration, has been achieved in the incredibly short time of 8 months. This is down to the hard work of the Events team lead by Jane Lloyd but even more to the generosity and goodwill of the community of West Bergholt who have wholeheartedly supported the appeal.  We have seen great Continue reading “You’ve Kept the Bell Ringing – Target Reached!”

Curry up For the Bell Appeal


curryCurry up For the Bell Appeal

Following the success of their last event, the coffee morning, which raised nearly £300, the Keep the Bell Ringing Appeal has now reached £7,000.  With just £3,000 to go to reach the target, the Friends of St Mary’s next venture is a Village Curry Lunch.  This will take place on Saturday 11th March in the Orpen Hall between 12:30 – 2pm.

There will be a choice of 3 curries (mild chicken, vegetable & beef madras are planned) and all the trimmings (poppadoms, mango chutney etc.)  Soft drinks, tea and coffee will be served and other, alcoholic options available to buy.  A selection of fruit-based desserts will follow.  You can pre-book shepherds pie if you are not keen on curry. Continue reading “Curry up For the Bell Appeal”

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