St Mary’s May/June 2019 Update
St Mary’s Church May/June 2019 update provides listings of services, contacts and other events and news. This update includes activities for Christian Aid Week, a Quiz Night, Children’s Society collection and details of Summer Term arrangements for Tuesday Home Groups.
Big Brekkie
All are welcome to a ‘Big Brekkie’ on Saturday 18th May @ 9 am in the church hall to raise money for Christian Aid Week; the event is being organized by Paul Elmes. So that we know how many people to cater for, could you please let us know you would like to come by signing the list in church or phoning Paul Elmes on 07766 211233 by Monday 13th May.
Christian Aid Week
‘All mums should live’
Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. Every day 10 women die from giving birth. In Sawula district, the community struggle with a clinic which has no electricity and only two delivery beds. This is Jebbeh’s story:-
Jebbeh is heavily pregnant but as her baby grows, it’s not joy that fills her heart, but fear. When Jebbeh’s sister Fatmata went in to labour, there were so few ambulances that Fatmata had no choice but to walk for three hours under the baking sun, to the nearest hospital. The journey was long and with every step Fatmata struggled to keep walking. Jebbeh told Christian Aid: ‘My sister was crying out with hunger. She died on the side of the road. She never gave birth.’
This Christian Aid Week, together, we can make childbirth safe for mums and babies. There will be a house to house collection between 12 and 18 May, and you can also support Christian Aid by coming to our Big Brekkie on Sat 18 May.
Quiz Night
We are holding a quiz evening on Sat 6 July @ 7 pm in the church, to raise funds to help finance the work of our Families’ Worker, Jo Jeffery.
Teams of up to 6 people, tickets £7 per adult (under 18s free), available from Caroline Finlay 01206 241517 or [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
Light refreshments will be provided in the interval but please bring your own drinks. Please book by 30 June!
Children’s Society Collection Boxes
Calling all Boxholders! It’s time to collect them in and count up the pennies. Could anyone with a box please bring it in to the church office by the end of May, or contact Liz on 01206 243683.
Thank you for your continued support. It’s a great cause!
Tuesday Evening Home Group
The Tuesday evening home group will start again after the Easter break on 7th May @ 8 pm at 85 Lexden Road, and meet fortnightly thereafter in various members’ homes. The group will be looking at a 6 session study guide called ‘Making Good Sense of the Bible’, which is aimed at helping us to engage with the Biblical message and discover what it means for us today.
The group would be very pleased to welcome new members. For more details please contact Shelagh Newman on 01206 241190.
Services & Other Dates
All events are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise. Kids’ Church is our new form of Sunday school for children. Note, no Evening Prayer Service during winter months.
- Priest in Charge:
Rev Dr Mandy Elmes, 1 Church Close, CO6 3JZ
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
tel: 01206 240906. - Church Wardens:
Sue Day—01206 241040;
Ronnie Seymour—01206 273579. - Lay Readers:
Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
Michael Foster—01206 241022. - 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
Jo Jeffery—07853 586683. - Church Administrator and Newsletter Editor:
Church Office Hours—weekdays (not Weds) 9am—1pm
Liz Dixon—01206 243683,
email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. - Hire our hall:
Nicole Long—01206 240443. - Website: - Follow us on Facebook: