Return of the Village Quiz a Resounding Success

Success for The Invincibles at the Village Quiz

The Village Quiz Challenge Cup

Eleven teams vied for the Village Quiz Challenge Cup last week and raised £310 towards the cost of a new Friendly Bench from Plastecowood – that’s well over half way!

Quizmaster Mike Morrisey, with support from Anita & Pauline, delivered a quiz with 10 rounds of 10 questions and a bonus picture round of 45 famous places (like Angel Falls). The halfway point was time for the Raffle which contributed £90 to the overall sum raised. The rounds were:

Continue reading “Return of the Village Quiz a Resounding Success”

Gardeners Visit Wrabness Announce 2021-22 Programme

The Gardeners 2021-22 Programme Started in Wrabness

Despite being unable to meet up since early 2020 the Gardeners’ Club have tried to keep in touch with members; they have done this via email newsletters and also through a self drive visit to Strandlands, Wrabness. Strandlands is an NGS garden; the visit gave them a chance to meet in the lovely setting of an unique, natural garden overlooking the estuary. They also had a stall at the Village Fete in July to publicise the group and to attract new members. They reassured visitors that they are a very informal and friendly club of enthusiastic amateurs; their joint ambition being to gain inspiration and advice from interesting and experienced speakers.

Now that Autumn is rapidly approaching, with shorter days and cooler weather and with the ending of social gathering restrictions we plan to resume monthly meetings from September. They have already booked a full programme of speakers for 2021/2022 dependent upon Covid regulations. All being well, they look forward to being back in the Orpen Hall on Monday, 20th September at 7.30 pm. They look forward to welcoming existing and new members. The full programme will be available at that meeting; it will include a very short AGM and a talk by Roger Pawsey, a rose grower.

After that, on 18th October, Richard Grant, Head Gardener from Madingley Hall, Cambridge will be their speaker. In November they will be learning how to make a Christmas Wreath and they will finish the year with their annual Christmas Quiz evening in December.

Zoom Quiz Calling

Smiley emoticon

St Mary’s Church is running a fundraiser Zoom Quiz to support the work of their Families Worker, Jo Jeffery. Jo’s work impacts many in the village and includes activities such as:

  • helping with the Toddler Group,
  • running the Larder providing food parcels to families impacted by the pandemic, &
  • running RE lessons, prayer spaces and wellbeing courses for Heathlands.

You don’t have to have a full house to join in, if you are alone there will be a chance to ‘buddy up’ with a partner online.

Continue reading “Zoom Quiz Calling”

Day 67 of (un?) Lockdown – the Heatwave edition

Heatwave joke

Heatwave mapDay 67 of (un?) Lockdown

Day 67, several weeks into unprecedented weather and virus, HMG has issued a raft of information to prepare for a heatwave.  Some of the key elements of this are summarised below with a link to the full advice.  Other topics are:


Heat Exhaustion vs Heat Stroke
For heat exhaustion, cooling the patient will normally resolve, if not call 111. For heatstroke, you should call 999 and start cooling the patient.

As part of its’ daily advice output, our government have today issued quite a lot about risks of heatwaves. Continue reading “Day 67 of (un?) Lockdown – the Heatwave edition”

Heathlands PTA Is Buzzing

Heathlands Primary Crest

Heathlands PTA Is Buzzing

Heathlands PTA members are buzzing with ideas to help them raise funds for the school.  If you want to get involved in any of them then let’s start with some key activities (more details will normally be put out nearer the time):


The kids have done their bit and designed T-Towels for Easter & Mothers’ Day – these will soon be available for sale for Continue reading “Heathlands PTA Is Buzzing”

The Big Bang Quiz for 11-18 Year Olds

The Big Bang Quiz poster

The Big Bang Quiz posterThe Big Bang Quiz

The Big Bang Quiz is aimed at any 11 – 18 year-olds who would enjoy a quiz and several other activities this Friday 11th October.  All you need to do is turn up at St Mary’s Church between 7:45 pm – 9:30 pm, donations optional.  The quiz is being organised by the Wired Youth Group.

As well as the quiz (teams will be formed on the day) other attractions include: Continue reading “The Big Bang Quiz for 11-18 Year Olds”

Quiz Evening at St Mary’s – Supporting Families Worker

quiz evening

Quiz Evening

St Mary’s Church is holding a quiz evening on 6th July, to raise funds to help finance the work of their Families’ Worker, Jo Jeffery.  If you wonder what Jo does; she works with all the 3 village schools in the local Church community, toddler and youth groups.  She supports staff and leaders getting alongside families providing valuable Christian input.

Teams & Booking

Teams of up to 6 people, tickets Continue reading “Quiz Evening at St Mary’s – Supporting Families Worker”

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