Quiz Evening
St Mary’s Church is holding a quiz evening on 6th July, to raise funds to help finance the work of their Families’ Worker, Jo Jeffery. If you wonder what Jo does; she works with all the 3 village schools in the local Church community, toddler and youth groups. She supports staff and leaders getting alongside families providing valuable Christian input.
Teams & Booking
Teams of up to 6 people, tickets £7 per adult (under 18s free), available from Caroline Finlay 01206 241517 / [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or the Church Office 01206 243683/ [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]. Please book your entry in by 30th June.
On the day, please arrive by 6:30 pm for a 7 pm start. A Ploughman’s Supper will be provided in the interval but please bring your own drinks.