Success for The Invincibles at the Village Quiz

Eleven teams vied for the Village Quiz Challenge Cup last week and raised £310 towards the cost of a new Friendly Bench from Plastecowood – that’s well over half way!
Quizmaster Mike Morrisey, with support from Anita & Pauline, delivered a quiz with 10 rounds of 10 questions and a bonus picture round of 45 famous places (like Angel Falls). The halfway point was time for the Raffle which contributed £90 to the overall sum raised. The rounds were:
- Geography,
- People,
- Art & Literature,
- Sport & Games,
- General Knowledge 1,
- History,
- Capital Cities,
- Film & TV,
- General Knowledge 2
- Natural History.
In the end defending champions ‘The Invincibles’ scored 170 out of a possible 222 to win the cup. They were closely followed by ‘The Jerry Hat Tricks’ and ‘The G&Ts’. All who attended agreed that it was a great quiz and offered their thanks to Mike & his crew!
Sample Round
This is a taste of a typical round in the quiz in case you might want to try the next edition:
- Whiskers on a fish are called what?
- What birds have types called Artic, Sandwich and Sooty?
- How many legs do Lobsters have?
- Urchin is an old name for what small mammal?
- What is the largest species of Lizard?
- What plant is known as the wild Hyacinth?
- Ursus Maritimus is what animal?
- In which liquid would a solid cube of lead float?
- What is the primary diet of silkworms?
- What is bladderwort?
Check answers here.
Plastecowood are an innovative manufacturer of many things from benches to planters and decking to sheds all made from Smartawood™ which mostly starts off as household plastics recycling.