Plan For the Environment Launched

Plan for the Environment to support diversityPlan For the Environment Launched

The Parish Council has adopted a strategic plan for the environment; it will help it to manage the land assets under its control between now and 2026.  Its scope includes:

  • Lorkin Daniell Field,
  • Poors Land
  • The Heath/Village Green
  • The various ponds,
  • Mumford Oak,
  • Allotments, &
  • Sundry other green spaces.

In order to develop the plan, all of these have been assessed for species diversity and rarity in accordance with the UK’s Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP).


If it is to succeed, the plan will:

  • increase the diversity of species,
  • identify, protect and enhance UK BAP habitat sites,
  • develop the village aesthetically,
  • create a natural distinctive identity to the village and mark the village boundaries with natural distinctive features, and
  • develop a volunteer force to help implement the Strategic Plan.


In order to ensure success, it will be essential to monitor each habitat for progress.  This is where there is real scope for volunteers; perhaps from local natural history groups or environment volunteers.  An annual report will be presented to the Parish Council and Trustees of the land.  This report will detail progress in enhancing the priority habitats and establishing other landscape features discussed in the plan.

Find out more

The Council’s Environment & Highways Committee will be coordinating the activities to deliver the plan and would welcome support from any wishing to volunteer their time.

If you want to can read the whole plan you can do so here.

If you would like to help please contact the committee at [email protected].

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