Christmas Message From Revd Mandy

Christmas Greetings 1909Christmas Message From Revd. Mandy

This edition of St Mary’s News reports on Christmas, Tools with a Mission, and also provides listings of services and contacts but first, Revd Mandy’s Christmas Message.

Revd Mandy’s Message

As everyone with an Advent Candle or Advent Calendar knows, the season of Advent has begun. This is the ’waiting time’ when we make space to remember the story of God’s people waiting for God to come amongst them, both as a vulnerable baby, and, when he comes again in glory.

As we look towards Christmas, we look forward to the time that we celebrate when God, as a vulnerable baby, became flesh and dwelt among us, so that we could discover who God really is…the one who came to take away all of the hatred and negativity that is in us. The one who came to take away all of our sin, refusal to love and the fears locked up inside us.

Each of us is unique & important

Jesus came, as a vulnerable baby, to announce that, whatever culture, race, ability or disability, gender or religion we come from, each of us is unique and important to God and humanity. He came to tell each and every one of us that he loves us because of our imperfections, fears and ‘warts’, not despite them. He came as a vulnerable baby to tell us that we are precious to him and that he loves us so much he is prepared to die for us. In his vulnerability we too can be vulnerable, we too can be told by him that he loves us.

And this is why we celebrate Christmas because it tells each one of us that we are loved by God and that we are precious to him. What more could we ask as a gift at Christmas?

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas, Mandy

Christmas Events

Pop-Up Christmas Choir

All welcome to join our pop-up Christmas Choir to sing at the Christmas Eve Carol Service at 6.45 pm. Rehearsals take place in the church on the following Sundays:

  • 1st Dec—10.45 am,
  • 8th Dec—10.45 am,
  • 15th Dec—10.15 am &
  • 22nd Dec—10.45 am.

Decorating the Church for Christmas

After the season of Advent, we will be decorating the church for our Christmas services on Mon 23 December from 9.45 am.  All hands and helpers will be very welcome.  Also if you have any silver stems which could be added to the fresh flower arrangements, that would be very helpful.  If you have any questions, please contact Fiona at:  [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Carol Service

This has transferred from the Old Church this year due to unexpected findings of mediaeval painting whilst redecorating.  The service (at 2:30 pm on Sunday 15th December) will include contributions from the Guides, the school choir, the youth group and Cllr Lewis Barber. All are very welcome to join us.

Donated toolsTools With A Mission

Thank you so much to everyone who donated tools—we had a huge response and the tools are now being prepared to send to those in need to enable them to earn a living and support their families. The photo shows a small selection of the tools.

Services & Other Dates

All events are at St Mary’s unless stated otherwise.  Kids’ Church is our new form of Sunday school for children.  Note, no Evening Prayer Service during winter months.

Every Thursday in term-time 9:00 am Open House Coffee Morning in the church hall
Every Thursday afternoon 2:30 pm 5Ts fellowship for over 60s in the church hall
Every Tuesday evening Home Group — contact Shelagh Newman (241190).
Every Tuesday afternoon Home Group — contact Liz Dixon (243683).
Every Thursday evening Home Group — contact Shelagh Newman (241190).
Once a month 7:45 pm Wired Youth Group — next session 13th Dec.
Sunday 1st December 9:30 am Communion – Advent Sunday
Sunday 8th December 9:30 am Christmassy Messy Church
Sunday 15th December 2:30 pm Carol Service (see above)
Sunday 22nd December 3:00 pm Praise on 4 Café Church
Tuesday 24th December 3:00 pm Christmas Eve Crib Service
6:45 pm Christmas Eve Carol Service
Wednesday 25th December 9:30 am Christmas Day Family Communion Service


  • Priest in Charge:
    Rev Dr Mandy Elmes, 1 Church Close, CO6 3JZ
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”]
    tel: 01206 240906.
  • Assistant Curate:Anne Mason
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
  • Church Wardens:
    Sue Day—01206 241040;
    Ron Seymour—01206 273579.
  • Lay Readers:
    Richard Chadborn—01206 240541;
    Michael Foster—01206 241022;
    Joy Budden—01206 241871.
  • Parish Evangelist
    Ron Seymour—01206 272579.
  • Pastoral Assistant:
    Dorothy Chadborn—01206 240541.
  • 3 Parish Families’ Worker:
    Jo Jeffery—07853 586683.
  • Church Administrator:
    Church Office Hours — weekdays 9 am—1 pm
    Janine Wilde — 01206 243683,
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
  • Newsletter Editor:
    Liz Dixon—01206 243683
    email: [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].
  • Hire our hall:
    Nicole Long—01206 240443.
  • Website:
  • Follow us on Facebook:




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