After 139 Years

Methodist Memories FlyerAfter 139 Years

After 139 years of Methodist Ministry in our Chapel in West Bergholt, and after much prayer and discussion among our members, a decision was made to cease Sunday worship at the end of August. With an ageing congregation and numbers falling we have sadly decided that it is no longer reasonable to continue regular Sunday morning services. The Colchester Circuit will be marketing the site for sale from September. We will continue our activities in the hall, as part of our outreach in the village, for as long as we are able.

Methodist Memories

We could not let this important decision go by without a special event.  To mark this we are holding a special weekend of “Methodist Memories” at the end of September, September 29/30. This will be a farewell and celebration of the many years of worship and service of our Methodist church in this village. We will be opening the Church and hall from 2-6 on both Saturday and Sunday. There will be displays, photos, history, memorabilia, refreshments etc.

Quiz Evening

There will also be a Quiz evening in the hall on Saturday evening at 7.00pm. Tables of four £20 or £5 per person; light refreshments will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own soft drinks but sorry no alcohol. Please book your place by phoning Judith (01206 241969).

There will be a service later Sunday afternoon in the Chapel, at 4.00pm, led by our Minister, Rev Ken Chalmers, followed by tea and cakes in the Hall to finish.

Share Your Memories

We are inviting folk to write a piece (short or long), if they would like to, about their memories of the Chapel, activities and/or people there. We will use these as part of our displays for the weekend. If anyone has a contribution or photos they would like to share please contact Judith (01206 241969) or Andrew (01206 242511).

We would very much welcome everyone from the village to join us throughout the weekend.

Ongoing Worship

However, we are starting a new venture a mid-week worship activity on the first Wednesday of each month. This will take place at 11.00 in our Church Hall, Chapel Lane. The first of these was on September 5th and the next will be on October 3rd, both led by our Minister, Rev Ken Chalmers. All are welcome to join us and try out this new approach.

We have been accepted as a class of Mile End Methodist Church and look forward to sharing worship there. This will enable us to retain our identity as West Bergholt Methodists and keep our local fellowship together. As a worshipping community, we have been attending other Methodist churches in the Circuit on a Sunday morning. This will continue from September, principally to Mile End, and transport will be available. Details from Judith (01206 241969) or Andrew (01206 242511).


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