St Mary’s update – 19th January

St Mary’s Update – 19th January 2017

St Mary’s Church update for 19th January provides listings of services, bible readings and other events and news such as Resolve Course, Ignite Youth Celebration, Ladies Breakfast & more.

Don’t forget, the church is now open on weekdays if you would like a quiet space to reflect or say a prayer for someone.

Ignite imageIgnite! – Youth Celebration

St Mary’s West Bergholt Youth Group (Wired), together with young people from the Langham and Boxted Churches Youth Group, will be leading a special service on Friday 20 January at 7.45pm at St Mary’s, West Bergholt.

There will be worship, drama, reflections, interactive prayer stations, and hot chocolate!

All are welcome, not just young people!

For more details, contact [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

Resolve Course – To Make a Positive Change in Your Life

It’s not too late to join in at 7:30pm on 24th January (at the Shepherd, Langham), if you missed the first session.

For more details please contact Liz Dixon on 243683 or by email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

28th January

White Hart circa 1725Ladies Breakfast

Taking place at 8:30am at the White Hart, West Bergholt it’s not too late to book your place!  The cost will be £6.50 and the speaker will be Rev Graham Hadfield from West Mersea. Please contact Sue Hart to book your place: 01206 241666.

Senior Citizen’s Lunch

To book your place contact Murray Walker at [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or Kate Penrose on 01206 210255 or [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”].

New Year Social Afternoon

You are invited to a ‘bring and share’ tea with puzzles and quizzes, at the Methodist Church Hall starting at 3pm until 5:30.

Joint 3 Parishes Service

Our 5th Sunday service (9:30am on 29th January), will be at St Mary’s Church, Langham, this time and will be led by Bishop Roger. If you need a lift, please contact Liz Dixon.

Services & Other Dates

Friday 20th January 7.45pm IGNITE Youth Service
Sunday 22nd January 8am BCP Communion at All Saints’, GH
9.30am Morning Worship
9.30am Communion at Langham
11.15am Service 4 All at All Saints’, GH;
Tuesday 24th January 8.00pm Home Group at Pat & Roy’s
Resolve Course at the Shepherd, Langham
Thursday 26th January 9.00am Coffee
10.00am Rachel’s Home Group
2.30pm 5Ts
Saturday 28th January 8.30am Ladies Breakfast at the White Hart
12.45pm Seniors Lunch
Sunday 29th January 9.30am Joint 3 Parishes service at St Mary’s, Langham (no service at West Bergholt)
Sunday 5th February 9.30am Communion Service
Communion at Langham
11.15am Morning Praise at St John’s, Great Horkesley
Sunday 12th February Messy Church
Wednesday 1st March 8pm Ash Wednesday service at Great Horkesley
Tuesday 7th March Lent Group starts
Saturday 11th March Men’s Breakfast
Sunday 26th March Mothering Sunday
 Sunday 2nd April Annual Church Meeting
Thursday 13th April Maundy Thursday Service
Friday 14th April Good Friday service
Sunday 16th April Easter Day

Bible Readings

Sunday 22nd January John 1: 29-42 John the Baptist proclaims Jesus as the Messiah.
Sunday 29th January John 2: 1-11 Jesus turns water into wine.



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