Premises & Recreation – 8th May 2018

Premises & Recreation – 8th May 2018

The Premises & Recreation Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 8th May when, among other items, they elected committee chair and vice-chair and discussed MUGA, roofing, CCTV, rubbish bins, village fete, bulletin & Lorkin Daniell field.

Premises & Recreation Minutes

Committee Meeting held on 8th May 2018 in Orpen Hall

Committee members present:

Murray Harlow, Jenny Church, Harry Stone, Bob Tyrrell

Also in attendance:

Laura Walkingshaw (Parish Clerk), Victoria Beckwith-Cole (Hall Administrator)





Brian Butcher and Janet Crichton


Minutes of the last meeting on 3rd April 2018 were agreed.


Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman on the Premises and Recreation Committee

It was voted as follows:

Chairman – Brian Butcher – Proposed by Bob Tyrrell and Seconded by Harry Stone.

Vice Chairman – Murray Harlow – Proposed by Jenny Church and Seconded by Harry Stone.


Clerks and Administration’s Report

4.1 MUGA  – It was approved that MUGA will be a regular item on this Committee.  VBC presented the accounts for 2017/2018 and it was agreed to leave the light tokens and hourly rate of hire as the same but to increase the coaches fee from £200 to £210 in line with the increase of the hall percentage. VBC
4.2 Roofing – LW confirmed that she has sent letters out to the three companies (Potter Raper Partnership, Daniel Connal Partnership, Ingleton Wood) and to date one out of three have come back to with quotes. BB/LW
4.3 Handyman Schedule: JGR is away at the moment and any jobs to be emailed to Phil Spencer and Harry Stone.   The jobs are being priortised at the moment with the cracked slabs on the JL Hall ramp needing attention and the keybox to the external boiler room to be looked at. Handyman
4.4 Curtain/painting/servery – These jobs are scheduled to be completed during the summer holiday. VBC
4.5 CCTV – BB and MH attended a CCTV Briefing Course  – A few issued were raised and will be addressed once the new CCTV is installed.  LW will be putting together a policy.  The Finance Committee will agree the works this month to then be installed in the summer holidays. VBC/Finance
4.6 Rubbish Bin Area – A glass bin will need to be factored into the area.  MH to chase STC for quote. MH
4.7 Website – Ongoing – awaiting quote. LW/DK
4.8 Hall Border tidying – Tesco grant – ongoing. LW
4.9 External hall signage – ongoing – once other issues have been agreed then wording etc can be agreed.  It was suggested a note about skating be included. All


Premises License

The following have applied for sale of alcohol

Orpen Players to complete form for their forthcoming production on 17th, 18th and 19th May 2018 to include all names serving.



Next month’s noteworthy hirings

Orpen Players Production


Village Fete Sub Committee

  LW requested whether this can become a sub committee so that we can use the charity number/letterhead etc to obtain sponsorship etc.  There will be no financial impact on the Premise and Recreation Committee.  No one objected.


Communication Officers Report

  A brief discussion on the latest in connection with the three main internet providers.  The next Village Bulletin will be coming out in June.


Draft Rules and Regulations for the Lorkin Daniell Field

  HS handed out a shorter version which is simpler and to the point.  This is ongoing and will be discussed further at the next meeting including how do we enforce these standards, who is it aimed for etc. ALL


Items to be discussed at next meeting

New mobile phone and CCTV
Meeting closed at 7.47 pm
Date of next meeting – 4th June 2018 – 7.30 pm John Lampon Hall


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