Environment & Highways – 10th May 2018

Environment & Highways – 10th May2018

The Environment & Highways Sub-Committee of West Bergholt Parish Council met on 10th May, elected officers and discussed History Group’s proposal to name alleyways, appointing a village warden, salt bags, allotments, handymen, items held over from the last meeting and other items raised.

Environment & Highways Report

Committee Meeting held on Thursday 10th May 2018 in Orpen Hall

Sub-committee members present  Philip Spencer, Harry Stone, Murray Harlow, David Short, Jenny Church.
Apologies Janet Crichton, John Gili Ross



Local History Group

Peter Noakes and Rhys Lloyd from the Local History Group attended for this item only and introduced their proposal to name footpaths (alleyways) in the village in memory of fallen world war one soldiers of the village as a commemoration of the end of the First World War. They asked for support in principle from the Parish Council. It was agreed by this committee that we would be pleased to do this and would pass the idea on to the Parish Council at the next full meeting. Laura


Election of officers for this committee

Election of Chairperson – John Gili Ross nominated by Phil Spencer, seconded by Harry Stone.  John elected unopposed.

Election of vice chairperson – Phil Spencer nominated by Murray Harlow, seconded by Harry Stone. Phil elected unopposed.


Items from last meeting

a) Duck House will be repaired
b) Practice goal area – the worn areas have been filled and levelled to prevent accidents. Quotes needed for repair and extension of area. PS
c) Playground equipment – the rocker and the matting has been delivered and put in storage garage. The removal of the old plastic matting is a problem. A digger will be required. Need to ascertain cost – speak to David Hewitt. PS & DH
d) The heather on the Heath will need protecting. Propose wicker panels. PS
e) Care of Ponds – David will arrange for Seven Arches Farm to remove spoil from Hall Road Pond. He will also investigate quotes for care of ponds next year.

Phil will organise some plastic protection for the Silver Birch in Lexden Road pond to protect any new shoots.

f) Eco survey of Heath booked for July 4th PS


Handy men Work report

  1. Future work –Jobs in Orpen Hall
  2. Slabs on ramp at back of JL Hall
  3. Canopy for memorial at Brewery site.
  4. Hedge cutting by Scout Hut
  5. Grass cutting
  6. Harry and Phil to monitor work




Village Warden Appointment.

A contract will need to be drawn up and work programme planned. The warden will need to attend training -programmes – including Road Safety, use of chemicals, Personal Protection Equipment. Harry agreed to plan these. List of responsibilities to be organised. HS


Salt Bags

a) Salt bags will need ordering in the autumn. Harry to check on this. The salt will be stored at the back of the garage in future. HS



There are problems with the water tanks – need repair and a firmer base. HS



a) Tree overhanging garden in Albany Road – Not the responsibility of PC – David to ask Mr Pulford. DS
b) Grass round road signs at Argents Lane needs trimming. Handymen
c) Signs re weight limit of HGVs needed at bottom of Newbridge Hill. This will be left on hold at the moment
d) Waste from cutting back fauna in Albany Road – David to ask Laura. DS
e) The Freighter was available at Orpen Hall but this information was not widely circulated. Ask Laura when it is next going to be there. JC


Monitoring Handymen

Phil has agreed to take this on when John is away in May. PS
Date of next meeting – Thursday 14th June 2018 5.30pm, Orpen Hall


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