Playground Project Gains Momentum
Formed last October, the Playground Advisory Group has made a great start in raising funds for new playground facilities. Their objective is to transform the Lorkin Daniell Field into a vibrant community resource, investing in exciting new play equipment that will allow children of all ages and abilities to play together.
The advisory group comprises a number of parents and 2 parish councillors although they have consulted widely. In particular, they have spoken to Bluebells and members of the Heathlands School Council impressed when attending a group meeting.
Progress on Phase 1
The project will take place in 2 or 3 phases with phase 1 expected to cost around £25,000. Local activities have already seen the Film Club raising money whilst the Allotments Stall is also a contributor. The group has secured grants of £15,000 from Essex & the Parish Councils. This means that phase 1, which is expected to include a zip-line, is almost within our grasp.
Do You Want to Get Involved and/or Contribute?
The next Advisory Group meeting is taking place next Tuesday 12th March. If you want to know more about the group, feel free to contact the group’s chair, Brent Harratt by email [antibot mailto=”[email protected]”] or mobile 07531 108939. If you just want to contribute then visit the Group’s crowdfunding page here.